Choregie is a new music theater that creates performances of different musical and theater forms than those offered by cultural institutions already operating in our environment. Choregie is both a crossroads for meeting and exchanging experiences between different local and foreign artists and a place to develop...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Based on the idea of Barbara Kapelj Osredkar, an experimental project was created that creates a performance from the individuals themselves. A few months ago, a public audition was held, at which eight authors or collaborators without professional theater experience were selected to co-shape the action on stage. Alongside these stands...
The well-known tragedy Romeo and Juliet is certainly one of the most important love stories of modern Europe, as it juxtaposes the freedom of youthful love ecstasy and the constriction of social pressures. The French master of lyric opera and author of the successful opera Faust, Charles-François Gounod, decided to...
Klaus Mann, son of the famous writer Thomas Mann, published in Amsterdam in 1936 the shocking story of the up-and-coming actor Hendrik Höfgen, who sells his soul to the National Socialists in order to secure a glittering career. Klaus Mann was inspired to write the novel by a famous German actor and director...
On Museum Day, open days are held all over the world, this year on the theme Museum and memory. On this day in Slovenia, you can visit around fifty different houses and see the permanent and special collections for free. On the occasion of the International Day of Museums, the Slovenian Museum Association also awards...
A new performance by the duo that combines music, humor and magic. Pianist Jure Godler and cellist Tilen Artač, after their performance at the famous Comedy & Magic Club Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles, prepared a new show where they have fun with classical music. They take us to a classical opera, and they take with them the Beatles, Michael...
Tokrat bomo skupaj s Kavalovimi kuharskimi mojstri spoznavali aromatične skrivnosti belih in črnih gomoljev, ki štejejo za bisere v svetu kulinarike. Čeprav so močnega vonja in okusa, predstavljajo odlično začimbo, ki jo lahko izkoristimo v skoraj vsaki jedi, od krepkih glavnih jedi do ...
Nove trende iz sveta intimne garderobe nam bodo na svojih izklesanih telesih predstavili slovenski plesalci. Legendarna nakupovalna hiša pripravlja poleg revije še nekaj presenečenj. Imetniki kartic Nama in kluba Diners si bomo lahko privoščili večerno nakupovanje z znanimi stilisti, čakajo pa nas tudi dodatni ...
During the festival days, a whole bunch of events related to flower themes take place: botanical and ornithological excursions, events for children, art exhibitions, musical evenings... At the same time, experts have the opportunity to consult on alpine plants, their knowledge, preservation and importance. They line up Read More
The sports spectacle of Kobarida includes competitions in kayak cross, high-speed paraglider flights and climbing on an artificial wall. For the fifth year, the event is also accompanied by presentations of sports equipment and special sports. In the evenings, you can also watch the best films with a sports theme on...
Dreft Fashion Week Zagreb v kategorijah vabljeni, hrvaški in mladi oblikovalci predstavljajo kolekcije za jesen in zimo. Tokratna izvedba glavnega hrvaškega modnega dogodka vsebuje nekaj sprememb glede sodelovanja z mladimi oblikovalci, saj bo tokrat predstavila le enega, a z več ...
Sodobni plesni ansambel Szeged je spoj klasičnega baleta ter sodobnoplesnega in gledališkega izraza. Gostujejo s koreografijo Tamasa Juronicsa, ki nam razkriva obredno življenje barbarskih humanoidov. Ti skušajo obstati na ruševinah civilizacije, borijo se za preživetje, spopadajo se s svojimi strahovi, ...