Greetings to young and old fairy-tale enthusiasts! On Wednesday, May 4, 2011, we cordially invite you to a fairy-tale hour, which, as usual, will be followed by a creative workshop on the theme of the book. This time we will...
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Basist in pevec Marcel V. – ustanovitelj Noxire, je v osemdesetih igral pri zasedbah Carantania in Coda. Kitarist in spremljevalni vokalist Željko N., ki se je pridružil NOxire leta 2004, je pred tem igral v zasedbi Nimfomanke. Kitarist Filip J. , ki se je skupini Noxire pridružil leta 2007, je pred tem igral pri zasedbi ...
Advance sales and ticket sales: TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3, phone: 03 42 87 936, 03 49 25 081, Eventim points of sale throughout Slovenia and one hour before the concert at the Old Castle of Celje. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celje...
In April, at the City Cooking Academy, we revived the time when our grandmothers spoiled us with home-made delicacies. In the Siemens showroom, together with a team of Kaval chefs and with the help of sweet treats from Natureta, we prepared cookies, cakes and various biscuits. For...
We will celebrate April 29, the European Day of Intergenerational Solidarity and the first year of the establishment of the movement for intergenerational cooperation. On the platform in front of Maximarket.-We are preparing an interesting cultural program in which performers of all ages participate.
The capital welcomed the arrival of the new children's center, which also has a socially responsible nature, as it was created with the aim of enabling all young people to spend quality free time for a minimal contribution. It should provide a pleasant environment for children, in which they will develop their abilities and...
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Prišel je čas za pomladno obutev za naše ...
Korean illustrator Suzy Lee created one of the most beautiful picture books of recent years, which received several awards, including the gold medal of the American Association of Illustrators. The picture book Val speaks to us without words, without text, it speaks only with illustrations and feelings of three simple elements: ...
In the last week of April, the Maribor Puppet Theater invites you to watch the puppet fairy tale ?why, which is intended for more or less curious children who are interested in why a fairy tale is a fairy tale, why the sky is blue, why the world spins and why we are, when will it be? then", where does the water go, ... The performance is intended for children from the age of 5 ...
Social games influence a child's development. With them, children gain experience and knowledge, their intelligence develops, they influence the child's emotional life and his development into a social being. Board games allow the child to get to know peers, develop tolerance, camaraderie, consideration and a sense of...
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh. Starring: Natalie Portman, Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Idris Elba, Kat Dennings, Ray Stevenson, Stellan Skarsgard. The hot-blooded god of thunder Thor causes a war between the gods with reckless actions, so the disappointed King Odin takes away his mighty hammer and supernatural powers and .. .
Directed and acted by: Charles Chaplin. This time, the little wanderer is trapped in an increasingly crazy, increasingly industrialized modern world, which is only made sense by the hero's love for a young homeless woman. The last performance of the character of the little vagabond on the big screen, which led Chaplin to world fame and more...