In the colorful ambience of the new African restaurant in Ljubljana, we will be able to explore the flavors of the black continent. They have a large selection of African dishes, and they also prepare excellent breakfasts and lunches a la carte until 3 p.m. Chefs from Nigeria Anazor Kingsley Madueke and Victor Chukwvuebuka ensure the authenticity of the dishes. That's how...
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A small culinary and sports gem is hidden in beautiful nature. Gostilna Zlati grič offers us excellent food, excellent wine and friendly service. After a game of golf, lunch will be even more convenient. The house specialty is roasted veal shank, which is rubbed with spices and garlic. They bake it together with...
Oštarija Žogica is more than just an oštarija. It is a small oasis of excellent food, natural beauty and friendly people. It lies in the shelter of nature, Sabotina and Sveta Gora, with a view of the unique stone bridge under which the emerald river Soča flows. The chef does his job more than conscientiously, because cooking is...
V Ljubljano prihaja Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, vsem bolj poznan kot Sting. Le kdo bi si mislil, da bo nekdanji mlekar (očetu je pomagal dostavljati mleko do gospodinjstev v svoji rani mladosti) in kasneje učitelj v osnovni šoli tako zaznamoval svetovno glasbeno sceno. Svoje ime Sting je dobil med igranjem z jazz skupino ...
V Metliki se bo treslo na festivalu PungART. Svojo glavo bomo lahko pobarvali z odlično glasbo vseh vetrov. Tako nam vsaj zagotavljajo organizatorji četrtega festivala pod milim nebom. Na barvito muzikalnem oblaku festivala PungART bomo pluli prek meja s pomočjo zabavnih družbeno-kritičnih sporočil glasbenih predstavnikov Južne ...
Who would have thought that Jan Plestenjak, the breaker of women's hearts and the messenger of lonely souls, has released his eleventh album. And he tackled this task very personally, and that's why he named his album that way. The eleventh album Osebno contains eleven new songs that should get under our skin. He will introduce you to us at...
The Dum Dum Girls consist of Dee Dee, Jules, Bambi and Sandy. But don't let their stage names mislead us. The girls know how to serve rock music. They draw and discover their inspiration from female pop groups of the sixties and basic punk and rock. This is how they reveal gently scratchy, somewhat sweet rock and roll music with a strong sharpness. ...
V tokratni različici Žura z razlogom bodo nosilci glasbenega dogajanja skupina Klaxons. Svoje ime so dobili po vrstici iz Futurističnega umetnostnega manifesta. Skupina polni koncertne dvorane tako po Ameriki kot tudi po Evropi in navdušuje vedno večje število ljudi. ...
Few local bands can boast of having shared the stage with foreign musical colleagues such as Faith No More, The Prodigy, Manic Street Preachers, Antrax, Asian Dub Foundation, Livin Colour, Mad Cadies, Sepultura, Motörhead, Bloodhound Gang and many others. . Elvis Jackson can. A band that performs more in...
As every year, this year is also the twenty-seventh Druga Godba festival in a row. The concerts will take place in various locations in Ljubljana. Thus, the action will take place all the way from Cankarjev dom, Kino Šiška to the annual garden of Gala Hale on Metelkova. The opening of the concert event belonged to the group Staff...
The Laibach group was formed in Trbovlje in the 1980s, and with its first projects and statements, it provoked controversial reactions from the then political group. Mainly because of the provocative and provocative content of their music and attitudes towards totalitarian regimes. Their spring tour Revisited will feature their…
Cheerful, unruly, lyrical and powerful band Sol 6 brings together leading European improvisers. The band is a masterful chamber hybrid of cabaret, punk, deep groove and free improvisation, founded three years ago by British pianist Veryan Weston and Dutch former punk bassist Luc Ex. The specialty of their music is…