Guitar Hero broke all preconceived notions (and sales records) about this type of video game before it. Will the same happen to Rocksmith? At Ubisoft, they announced the arrival of a real simulation (on the verge of video instructions?) of playing the electric guitar. In contrast to similar games (Guitar Hero, Rock Band), we will...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Najbolj razširjena spletna brskalnika sta dobila tudi najnovejši različici. Internet Explorer 9 prinaša hitrejše delovanje, prijaznejši in preglednejši uporabniški vmesnik ter številne izboljšave zasebnosti, varnosti in združljivosti s sodobnimi spletnimi standardi. Novi ...
The team prepared a documentary film about Slovenian rap entitled "Do you know, poet, your debt?", ...
In 2002, conservation and restoration of Japanese armor took place in the conservation workshop. During the work, we learned about many characteristics of Japanese handicrafts, which is related to the present exhibition Japanese handicrafts. Modernity born from tradition, which is on display in NMS – Metelkova. The lecture will...
The concert event with the world-famous Hungarian pianist Gergely Bogányi will be one of the highlights in...
From April 12 to 17, Diocletian's town will host the Croatia Boat Show (CBS) for the 13th time, an unavoidable event for all those for whom watercraft is the most popular means of travel and sailing is a passion. Year after year, CBS attracts more and more domestic and foreign companies from Southeast Europe, and the fair has landed...
Tin Vodopivec je gonilna sila lepega števila različnih zabavnih projektov, idejni oče Festivala Panč, njegova neizmerna delovna energija pa mu odpira vrata v številne še neodkrite svetove zabavljaštva.Nastopil je že praktično povsod. Od tega, da je v Hali Tivoli ogreval publiko na koncertu Julia ...
Pulse Festival, ki sodi med najbolj priljubljene poletne dogodke v Sloveniji in okolici,
se letos premierno predstavlja tudi v novi dvoranski obliki - Pulse Indoor. Po šestih letih obstoja bo letos poleg matične edicije v Zelenem Gaju tudi na novem, večjem prizorišču, in sicer v dvorani Hit Sport ...
The UEFA Champions League trophy is coming to Slovenia, which football fans can watch live and take photos with. A one-time opportunity is offered to us only on Tuesday, April 19, 2011, at 5 p.m. at the platform for the UniCredit Bank business unit at Šmartinska 140 in Ljubljana. As part of the event...
S popularnim izrazom egiptomanija označujemo prisotnost staroegipčanske kulture v umetnosti Evrope od antike do danes. Egiptomanija se pojavlja na vseh področjih umetnosti: v arhitekturi, oblikovanju notranje opreme, izdelkih umetne obrti, kiparstvu, slikarstvu, gledališču, glasbi in filmu. Črpala je egipčanske elemente ...