Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! In the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, we decided to celebrate the birthday of the famous fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen in a special way, which was declared International Children's Book Day. On Saturday, April 2, there will be two fairytale...
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We will play together and introduce you to a variety of board games of skill suitable for children of all ages. By the way, you can learn about different types of wood and lose your fear of basic mathematical operations. The workshop will start at 10:30 a.m. and will last until the 14th...
At the Sunday creative workshop, we will briefly present the development of the chair through history, we will learn about the most famous, interesting and unusual chairs and the different shapes and materials they are made of. Then we will be able to make models...
'Stories about the lives of ordinary Afghans are rare and lack media coverage, especially in the last few years when it has become increasingly...
An exhibition in which the artist wonders what is the use when building a career as an artist and looking for strategies on the way to success. Jure Cvitan, an artist of the younger generation from Celje, presents himself with an exhibition entitled "Conqueror of the useless" in the Art Salon of Celje. "If in style...
Vabilo na tretjo Delavnico za malico
Projekt Tovarna dela - Vstop v svet dela & Skupina Grupa vabita na 3. Delavnico za malico
3. Delavnica zbiranja krožnikov, skodelic, vaz, kozarcev, podstavkov za torte, posodic ... za Gostilno dela. Nagrada za vse: ...
29.marca 1947 se je rodil Robert Troy »Bobby«
Kimball, znan vokalist skupine Toto. Bobby je
zacel peti ze kot otrok. Leta 1970 je pel v
razlicnih lokalnih skupinah kot so The Levee
Band, S.S. Fools in nazadnje v skupini Toto. Po
izdaji stirih albumov, na katerih je pel ...
Last year's visit of the dinosaurs in the Volčji Potok Arboretum impressed us to such an extent that this year their great friends from the Ice Age will join them at the exhibition. In the park, we will walk through a real time machine and see the world of dinosaurs and Ice Age giants, such as mammoths, sabre-toothed...
Prvič se v Sloveniji lahko pomerimo v downhill tekmovanju z longboardi na terenu, ki je zahteven in zabaven celo za izkušene longboarderje, a vseeno vozen za tiste, ki se šele dokazujejo. Proga obsega tako driftanje kot tudi vožnjo v zavetrju. Prvi dan dogodka je sestavljen iz proste ...
Ob prihodu pomladi se bosta v Ljubljani odvila dva velika dogodka, posvečena literaturi in knjigam. Prvi je Svetovni vrh knjige 2011 v Cankarjevem domu, drugi festival Fabula. Prvi se posveča stroki in založništvu, drugi pa nam predstavlja vrhunske avtorje osebno, med drugim se nam bodo predstavili César Aira, ...