French nightlife icon and famous painter and graphic artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was the first to turn advertising into an art form with his graphic creations. At the exhibition of the poster master, we can see his best creations together with a selection of posters created within the Nouveau...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Until the end of the month, we can make our puppy happy with a free preventive examination of the teeth and gums, thereby preventing the decline of the oral hygiene of our furry friend, who means a lot to us. Recognized veterinarians from all over Slovenia participate in the campaign, if ours is among them, you can check at and subscribe to...
This year's program of the festival, selected from among the productions of all Slovenian professional theater houses, begins with the play Necropolis, based on the novel of the same name by Boris Pahor. At the same time, this shocking confession of a former internee is also the first performance of the competition program. Selector Marko Sosič is among those who...
The meeting of two choreographers in Maribor is a modern ballet performance, created as a result of the good interneighborly relations of the Maribor and Graz Opera and Ballet Houses. The author's and co-production project of Edward Clug and Darrel Toulon deals with the peculiarity of the choreographic consideration of space and time and its direct impact on...
The Servant Shaft, Harold Pintar's absurd play, tackled by a young and talented team of theater artists under the name Mutasti Takar, is a tense and at the same time humorous play about two professional killers who are waiting for their next client. While waiting, messages are sent to them through the server shaft, which between them...
In three minutes and 23 seconds in 1907, the legendary Russian dancer Ana Pavlova changed the image of dance until today. It is the solo Death of a Swan, which was created for it by the famous Russian choreographer Mihael Fokin to the music of Saint-Saëns. Three minutes and 23 seconds of dance, in which dying turns into floating eternity, is the transition between...
The Art Directors Club is a non-profit organization that has been running a competition for the best design and advertising solutions in Europe for almost ninety years. The eighty-ninth exhibition of 75 gold and silver winners selected by an international jury exhibits print ads, TV ads, interactive...
Scratch rock bar, v sodelovanju z Zavodom Kultipraktik, ponuja drugačno obliko druženja in zabave s poučnim ...
The introductory and advanced photography course is intended for everyone who is interested in photography, regardless of age, education and prior knowledge, who...
Po Celju se bo vila pesem!29. Mednarodni mladinski pevski festival v Celju od 6. do 10. aprila.
Vabljeni na različne celjske lokacije: "na zvezdo", Trg celjskih knezov, Krekov in Glavni trg, na Stanetovo ulico pred Metropol in v Celjski dom ter na Stari grad Celje, da prisluhnete pesmi mladih in poklonite hipec ...