Director: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen. Cast: Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Hailee Steinfeld, Barry Pepper, Dakin Matthews, Jarlath Conroy, Paul Rae. The Coen brothers' remake is based on the novel by Charles Portis, who in 1968 revived the cowboy myth with a hint of cynicism and nostalgia. The story takes place in...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Režija: John Cameron Mitchell. Igrajo: Nicole Kidman, Aaron Eckhart, Dianne Wiest, Miles Teller, Tammy Blanchard, Sandra Oh, Giancarlo Esposito, Jon Tenney.Becca in Howie se skušata vsak na svoj način soočiti s tragično smrtjo mladoletnega sina. Becca se obda s prijatelji in družinskimi člani, da bi s ...
Režija: Janez Burger. Igrajo: Leon Lučev, Pauliina Räsänen, Ravil Sultanov, Rene Bazinet, Daniel Rovai, Marjuta Slamič, Luna Mijović Zimić.Moški ostane sam z otrokoma v napol porušeni hiši sredi osamljene planjave. Ženo mu je ravnokar ubila granata v vojaškem spopadu. ...
Režija: Aleksa Gajić. Igrajo: Sanda Knežević, Nikola Đuričko, Srđan Todorović, Jelisaveta-Seka Sablić, Marija Karan, Boris Milivojević, Petar Kralj, Nebojša Glogovac.Piše se leto 2074. Edit je povsem navadno dekle, ki živi in študira v Beogradu. Prostovoljno dela v raziskovalnem ...
The Belgian group Vaya Con Dios returns to Slovenia after three years. Dani Klein, Dirk Schoufs and Willy Lambregt founded a group in the late 1980s and 1990s, which very successfully and innovatively combined various musical styles. A mix of blues, pop with a touch of Latin American...
The end of the Itak Džafest festival is coming. Mega star Ben Drew, better known as Plan B, is coming to Ljubljana as the third in the series of concerts of the festival. If we can't talk about anyone, it's Ben, because his talents are many. His music cannot be precisely classified, as he touches on different musical styles. Not so...
With Erik Friedlander, one of the most respected cellists in the world of jazz music, we will go on a Journey through America. That is how he titled his first concert in Slovenia. The musician, who is known in the world of jazz music for his collaboration with the legendary John Zorn, and in the world of alter pop music for his collaborations with musicians such as...
Australian mini beauty and mega pop star Kylie Minogue has gone on tour to present her latest album Aphrodite to her loyal listeners. She started her career as a teenager. In her native Australia, she won her fans as a child actress before her music career. First...
Excellent musicians and one of the currently leading groups in the reggae genre, Easy Star All-Stars, will be in the Šiška Cinema. They started making music by remaking legendary albums in the history of rock into reggae. They covered the albums Dark Side Of The Moon, OK Computer and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band and...
Slovenian ska punk rockers have been present on both our and foreign music scenes for more than a decade. The boys searched for their musical expression with the help of ska, punk, hard core, reggae and metal influences. Over the years, they have developed an identity and a recognizable expression that sets them apart from average bands. The release of their latest...
Nomi, Andrew in Morgan so se spoznali pred dvema letoma, ko so newyorški elektro-disko atrakciji Hercules & Love Affair pomagali postaviti njihov projekt na koncertne odre. Kmalu so strnili moči in glasbene ideje ter projekt poimenovali Jessica 6. Uspelo jim je izdelati žameten seksi zvok, ustvarjen, da vlada ...
Maztek aka Matteo Cavo played guitar until he came of age and soon became interested in drum and bass and founded the label Subculture Records in 2005. He collaborated with Optivo, Cause4Concern, Proktah, BTK and many others. Along with Maztek, there will also be Slovenian representatives of the drum and...