Avstrijska zasedba se nam bo predstavila v sklopu koncertov Jazzinty abonmaja. Nu džez je podžanr džeza, ki združuje klasične džez melodije ter druge glasbene sloge hkrati pa se spogleduje z elektronskimi sampli in ritmi. Nu džez je prav zaradi tega džez glasbo približal širšemu krogu poslušalcev. Fantje ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Osrednji plesni dogodek pri nas predstavlja najboljše plesne predstave, ki so v zadnjih dveh letih nastale v slovenskem prostoru. Sledeč izboru letošnjih selektorjev – Blaža Lukana, Andreje Rauch Podrzavnik in Virve Sutinen – si bomo v sedmih dneh na različnih prizoriščih lahko ogledali ali ponovno ...
The staging of entertaining, sometimes erotic, but above all short-lived stories of ten girls and young men fleeing from a "sick" world is worth mentioning in itself, but if two theater companies - MGL Ljubljana and SNG Nova Gorica - are behind the production. and into the revolutionary Boccaccio collection...
Moški s sposobnostjo nasmejati vsakogar se vračajo na odre v limited edition verziji. Vsi, ki še nismo uspeli videti Lada Bizovičarja, Sabastjana Cavazze, Matjaža Javšnika, Rada Muleja, Matjaža Tribušona in Jurija Zrneca v element, imamo še nekaj zadnjih priložnosti, ko bo predstava ...
Komedija Harvey ameriške avtorice Mary Chase je bila na Broadwayu prvič uprizorjena v povojnem letu in doživela 1775 ponovitev z Jamesom Stewartom v glavni vlogi. Tako pomembna predstava je seveda doživela tudi slovensko različico; nazadnje pred petnajstimi leti. Tokrat se z besedilom, ki je polno satiričnih, ciničnih in ...
Every year, the Institute for Creative Production Emzim carries out a nationwide photography project, in which it awards three prizes for original photography, and the exhibition teaches us to recognize the quality of a captured moment. Under the leadership of Jasna Rackov, Tanja Hladnik and the installation of Metka Dariš, we can see selected...
Since last year, the only competition in free skiing and snowboarding in the country has been counted among the competitions that bring points for ranking at the highest level, the Freeride World Tour series. So this year at Kanin we can expect top skiers and snowboarders who want to climb the rankings and show us everything...
The Eskimo village on Krvavec will become a prestigious golf course with colorful winter scenery for one day this year. We will compete in pairs on twelve holes in the Texas scramble style. The event will not only be fun - after the competition we will participate in a party with a DJ program - but part of it is also intended...
Last year, the largest cultural and ethnographic event in Slovenia served surpluses, which the organizers do not intend to neglect this year either. Between the opening parade on Saturday and the closing ones next Saturday and Sunday, a varied program awaits us in the city and the carnival tent; procession of brass bands and majorettes, parties, ...
Z načrtovanjem poroke v naslednjih mesecih se utegne ukvarjati marsikdo med nami, saj so pomladni meseci tisti, ko so datumi, rezervirani za najlepši dan v življenju, pogosteje na koledarju. Sejem Poročni dan zbere na enem mestu vse želje mladoporočencev; pestro izbiro oblek, prstanov, šopkov, slaščic ...
Pležuh 4 Cross surpasses previous competitions with this familiar [D1] means of transport, which was once used by the people of Carinthia for fun trips to the valley. We are looking forward to four cross-country races, when four competitors each go down a winding course full of jumps and sharp turns. ...