Najbolj simpatični boksar, Dejan Zavec oziroma »Mr. Simpatikus«, bo že tretjič branil šampionski pas svetovnega boksarskega prvaka. Letos mu bo nasproti stal Američan Paul »The Thrue« Delgado. Pred vrhunskim spektaklom, ko bosta v ring stopila daleč najboljša, si bomo lahko ogledali tudi ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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PHD, družba za medije in komunikacije, letos praznuje 21. rojstni dan, ki ga bo s posebnim praznovanjem obeležila v vseh pisarnah sveta. V Sloveniji so se odločili, da bodo zabavo posvetili dobrodelnosti, tako da bodo veliki objem, Big Hug, podarili največjemu zavetišču za živali pri nas, zavetišču ...
Arhitektura nas spremlja na vsakem koraku, a jo kljub temu največkrat sploh ne opazimo, čeprav ta pomembno vpliva na kakovost našega življenja. Pregledna razstava članov Društva arhitektov Ljubljana Arhitektura – inventura ponuja priložnost, da spoznamo dela tistih, ki si prizadevajo, da bi živeli v ...
Until March 10, the Tribu Surf Club organizes escapes from the cold winter days to the sandy beaches of Morocco, where we can learn about the attraction of the ocean and a sport that will fill us with positive energy for a long time to come in an interesting team. Beginner wave surfing courses are tailored to the individual, at the same time you can...
The biggest shopping center will definitely be the most colorful and fun during the month it celebrates its 9th birthday. The main events of the celebration will take place on the weekend between February 17 and 20. Until the end of the month, we can see an exhibition of the footwear phenomenon that has spread from Spain to...
Februarski natečaj Slovenia Press Photo je s pomočjo mednarodne žirije izbral najboljše fotoreporterske utrinke, ki si jih lahko do 7. marca tudi ogledamo v atriju Mestne hiše. Poleg najboljših so letošnji osrednji dogodki še tri razstave: Paolo Palegrin se bo prvi dan predstavil z razstavo As I ...
In the new season, we will be able to cook together in the Siemens showroom, still under the tutelage of Kavalo chefs and under the watchful eye of Mr. Gorjaka from the Belvin wine school, who will make sure that we round off each dish with the appropriate wine. At the February academy, the taste of the Mediterranean will also be provided by...
Fuji has announced the arrival of an interesting camera called the XP30. It is the first rugged camera in the compact class with a built-in GPS transmitter. Waterproof to a depth of five meters, resistance to shocks and falls from a height of 1.5 meters, and insensitivity to cold (up to ‒10 degrees Celsius) are more than important...
Even LED (display) technology can get boring. In this sense, the new line of components of the highest Hi-Fi class, which hides the latest technology of the 21st century under the ″clothing″ of the late 1980s, is all the more pleasing. With classic analog potentiometers, the Onkyo amplifier...
All of us who are tired of plastic pedals on computer steering wheels and the same feeling when driving simulation can roll our eyes in the direction of the Thrustmaster T500 RS steering wheel. The metal pedals, which can be installed in two ways - like the F1 racing car or the GT series - can be additionally adjusted...
No kidding? Absolutely. iGrill is a wireless thermometer for preparing (boiled or baked) food that checks the temperature and the remaining time until the food is ready for us. It is, of course, intended for the i-family (iPod touch, iPhone or iPad), with which it exchanges data via Bluetooth ‒ with a much longer range...
True, for the second time in a row a member of the Optimus family, but the X in the name stands for a letter (iks) and not a character (krat). Anyway, LG has been rolling out the Optimus series models like an assembly line and so it has happened with the 2X Android smartphone model. Optimus 2X is the first mobile phone in the world to use a dual-core...