Podjetje Logitech je predstavilo podstavek za prenosnike, ki z vgrajenim ventilatorjem hkrati hladi procesor in ploščo prenosnika, nam omogoča udobnejšo (beri: manj vročo) namestitev računalnika v krilo, hkrati pa z vgrajenima stranskima zvočnikoma poskrbi za primerno zvočno kuliso, kadar jo ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
... tablet. Unfortunately, it cannot be one or the other, both at the same time, but nevertheless we are writing about a single device - Dell's Inspirion Duo. The hybrid (mini) laptop can also be transformed into a tablet in two moves, which enables a rotating, touch-sensitive 10.1-inch screen. The Inspirion Duo is powered by...
The new LG Optimus 7 and Optimus 7Q mobile phones, in addition to the Windows Phone 7 operating system, bring even more functions that are only available on LG mobile phones. Along with the display of content in this virtual reality and the Voice-to-Text function, which converts speech into text, the new mobile phones also boast...
Major and Minor, major and minor. The dewy eyes and dream of all (guitar) rock enthusiasts. In addition to the attractive design, some interesting concepts (EarClick) and a name that guarantees quality, probably the price of 59 euros has also ensured that mini headphones for portable audio devices in the time...
HP predstavlja novost ˗ spletno tiskanje, ki ga omogočajo novi tiskalniki družine Photosmart, Officejet in Ldsaserjet. Ti med drugimi tehnologijami vključujejo tudi tehnologijo HP ePrint in izkoriščajo računalništvo v oblaku za premagovanje težav z oddaljenostjo. ePrint tehnologija namreč ...
Many people would need it. Let's face it, men too. BackTrack Point-5, from Bushnell, is a personal GPS-navigator that can mark up to five different points, then find them again and, of course, lead us back to them. When guiding to a marked point, it shows the distance and direction, and also contains a digital...
Proizvajalec zvočnih kartic Creative je sicer znan kot alfa in omega vgradnih zvočnih kartic, pred kratkim pa so se odločili, da trg razveselijo z dvema USB-zunanjima napravama za plemenitenje zvoka. Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1 Pro je kot nalašč za prenosnike in osebne računalnike s ...
Welcome to the travel lecture...
"Your girlfriend's favorite DJ!"Music policy: Broadest beats!Your girlfriend’s favorite floor:DJ Moneyshot (Solid Steel) UKGramatik (DreamBIG) Besso & Cabron (p4b.nu)DeepDown floor:Danaja (DrumWise)Dora (bassinvaders!, DrumWise)Lunic ...
Techni Floor Substance aka DJ Pete (Scion Versions, Chain Reaction)Dojaja (Ago tela, Chilli Space)Octex (Ago tela, Chilli Space)Electrosaurus (Ago Tela, Chilli Space) Data Floor Dataminions (1605, Astrodisco)Bownr vs Pohalino (zAvodKru)Jerry ...
Black Room:DEJAN MILIČEVIĆ (Recon Warriors, Traffica, Burn DJ Team)MARKO MILOSAVLJEVIĆ (Recon Warriors, Traffica, Burn DJ Team)IAN F. (Colours, Jesus Loved You, Sleep Is Commercial)ANEURIA (Colours, Gilesku, Jesus Loved You)VJ: FŠKMiligrami (Mikro, Clicks, Minimal):NITZ ...
KRUNCH IT!! ROOTS IN SESSION SOUNDS & FRIENDS presents :RSD (Punch Drunk, Bristol) & RISPEKT : BOB MARLEY ( 6.2.1945 )Veliki dansflorRSD (Punch Drunk, Bristol)Krunch it!! Kollektive (Synaptic, RDYO DJs) :BassickFreeverseSunnehMali dansflor:za gramofoni: ...