Dandanes je malo priložnosti, ko si lahko ogledamo nov, kvaliteten športni dokumentarec, s slovenskim športnikom v glavni vlogi. V novem dokumentarnem filmu Grilomentary bomo spozanali našega najboljšega deskarja Marka Grilca skozi obveznosti in peripetije enega dneva, noči in jutra, sproti pa bomo ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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V soboto 18. decembra ob 10 uri vse ljubitelje pravljic vabimo v otroško knjigarno Kres pod gradom na pravljično urico z igralko gospo Jano Osojnik.Istega dne ob 12 uri pa bomo otroke popeljali na pravljično potovanje po tujih deželah - vabljeni na pravljično urico tokrat v nemškem jeziku!
Vljudno ...
Clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink clink D! And what do you have besides!? The ultimate goblet of tunes that are…
18.12. THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! DJ ZRNA vs. MC REXXXONA (VIP/BG)RNB Confusion bo po otvoritvi in nastopu enega od najbolj karizmatičnih rap vokalov – liderja skupine Connect Ivana Dražića Gidre – na odru Bachusa predstavil še legendarnega raperja in MC-ija Rexxxona, člana popularne beograjske skupine ...
An energetic, flirtatious and independent girl named Katheryn Elisabeth Hudson is better known to all of us as Katy Perry. Her success story is as interesting as her distinctive style of dressing. From the age of seventeen, she struggled to succeed in the cruel world of the music industry. At the beginning of the new millennium...
In happy December, attending at least one gospel concert is almost mandatory. This time, fans of black spiritual music will be able to visit him in Nova Gorica. Great singer Katie Graham from Mississippi will perform. He has been in contact with gospel music since he was a child, as he comes from a family with a very rich cultural and religious tradition. Already...
Currently, one of the most media-exposed hip-hoppers in our country, Zlatan Čordić - Zlatko, will present his view of the world with the help of a microphone on Christmas Day. In recent years, Zlatko has been a constant in the hip-hop scene on the Slovenian scene. He initially developed and demonstrated his rhyming abilities through freestyle competitions. ...
Currently, one of the most media-exposed hip-hoppers in our country, Zlatan Čordić - Zlatko, will present his view of the world with the help of a microphone on Christmas Day. In recent years, Zlatko has been a constant in the hip-hop scene on the Slovenian scene. He initially developed and demonstrated his rhyming abilities through freestyle competitions. ...
For the fourth year in a row, we are looking forward to a concert by one of the most successful violinists in our country. Anja Bukovec will give us a concert before the holidays, where there will be no shortage of great music, interesting guests and unforgettable musical moments. Anja is a top musician. In addition to its technical perfection, it stands out due to its recognizable...
V Ljubljano prihajajo legende nemškega heavy metala skupina Helloween. Ljubitelji težkih ritmov bomo na svoj račun prišli proti koncu januarja v Kinu Šiška. Znani kot izumitelji nemškega melodičnega speed metala in kot ena najuspešnejših skupin v tem žanru ustvarjajo že od sredine ...