Just Cavalli je pri snovanju nove kolekcije nakita ujel košček afriške divjine, ki nas bo z eksotiko in eleganco popeljala skozi zimske dni. Nakit, med katerim se skrivajo ogrlice z obeski, prstani in zapestnice, je idealen za dame, ki v sebi skrivajo vsaj malo pustolovske krvi, in je hkrati idealno darilo za ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Brunotti is one of those brands that successfully combines modern design and functionality. That is why it is so popular among young people. Quilted men's jackets are filled with artificial down, ski jackets have a 5000 mm water column and 5000 mvp parapermeability. These are the qualities they also have...
Schengenfest in Vinica ob Kolpa is a young, three-day festival that takes place in the last week of July in Vinica in Bela Krajina on the Slovenian-Croatian border and is increasingly becoming an indispensable summer event for different generations. The basic idea of the festival is good will, socializing, music, laughter and fun. Now they...
At the end of December, the slow-rock concert of the year will take place in Rdeča dvorana in Velenje. The stage will be shared by Šank Rock, Mi2, Pero Lovšin and the group and Rock band xxx. Šank Rock was formed in Velenje in 1982. They released their debut album Pridite na žur five years later and then several more records and solidified...
December is here and so is the time for gospel music. One of the most successful groups of black spiritual music in America at the moment, The Harlem Gospel Choir, is coming to Ljubljana. The goal of their tour is to bring people and nations together through music. During their rich career, members of the choir performed for the Roman Catholic Pope, Nelson...
Prihaja prednovoletni čas in obdobje odličnih koncertov klasične glasbe. V Ljubljano prihaja vrhunski evropski orkester Strauss Festival Orchester Wien. Orkester nam bo ustvaril nepozabno doživetje klasične glasbe pod taktirko svetovno priznanega dirigenta Petra Gutha, ki ga uspešno vodi že od konca sedemdesetih let ...
Lado Leskovar, the legend of Slovene singer and chanson, will brighten our day with his unforgettable hits that delight both the older and the younger generation. For this occasion, he gathered together old musical cats: Boris Kofol on double bass, Vasko Repinac on piano and Blaž Grm...
V Kino Šiška prihajajo predstavniki angleškega alternativnega rocka White Lies. Skupina črpa svoj navdih za ustvarjanje iz bogate zapuščine skupin, kot so: Joy Division, The Teardrop Explodes in Echo & The Bunnymen. Ne sramujejo se vplivov modernejše struje iz osemdesetih let, kot je skupina ...
An American group with an interesting name was formed at the end of the nineties. They got their name from the hypothesis of a teacher at the prestigious Harvard University who gave a lecture on technology, its exponential development and humanity's attitude to the rapid development of technology... According to him, we are only thirty seconds from Mars. ...
Prihaja veliko ime bluesa – skupina Mississippi Heat. Od začetka devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja skupino vodi Pierre Lacocque, virtuoz na ustni harmoniki. Skupina je zakoreninjena v zlati dobi čikaškega elektrik bluesa petdesetih let, kakršnega so izvajali Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, Jimmy Reed ...
Gre za projekt vokalistke Jadranke Juras, ki je združila moči z odličnimi glasbeniki. Jadranka je diplomantka graške univerze za jazz petje, kjer jo je poučevala izjemna profesorica Laurie Antonioli, ki vodi seminarje na prestižni šoli Berkley in sodeluje z zelo priznanimi glasbeniki, kot so: Bobby McFerrin, Joe ...
Rezidenčni orkester iz Haaga se je uvrstil med vodilne nizozemske orkestre. Na mariborskem koncertu se bo orkester pod taktirko dirigenta Christiana Vasqueza poklonil stopetdeseti obletnici rojstva avstrijskega skladatelja Gustava Mahlerja. Pridružila se jim bo češka mezzosopranistka Dagmar Pecková, ki je kot ...