Skupina Tantadruj bo 3. decembra 2010 izdala novo zgoščenko z naslovom Kar je beži. Naslovna pesem je ena od štirinajstih uglasbenih pesmi dr. Franceta Prešerna, med katerimi so tudi Kam, Vrba, Pod oknom, Strunam in Zgubljena ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Festive concert on the 110th anniversary of the birth of the composer and academician Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
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You are invited to visit the exhibition of the academic painter Viktorj Šest. The opening of the exhibition will take place on 25 November 2010 at 18:00, and the exhibition will be on view until...
The lecturer will talk about the King's special relationship to wood, adaptation to technology and constant search for innovative solutions. His goal is to create "furniture for all times" that will be functional and accessible to the widest range of consumers. He is a prominent industrial designer, in...
You are invited to a jazz concert by the Samsons and a jam session afterwards! * * * A group of five young jazzers met at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana. They have been working together for almost a year, so they are already well coordinated. Aljoša Pavlič - trumpet
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In Playa, we had a pleasant time pampering ourselves and learning about the latest trends in the cosmetics industry. The COSMETIC LINE beauty salon, which takes care of the influx of the greatest innovations in the field of beauty treatments here, revealed to us the attractive innovations of beauty...
On cold winter days, we often crave spoonfuls of food, but most of the time we try them with difficulty, because we think that their preparation is demanding and time-consuming. The chefs of the Angel restaurant claim exactly the opposite, and they proved it to us at the November City cooking academy. A pinch of imagination and love, ...
Pianist Ivan Skrt (1981) is a graduate of the famous PI Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. He designs his artistic events with a well-thought-out interior and exterior image, which come to life like real life in miniature. Last summer he performed a recital of Sonatas by Chopin, Liszt and Scriabin in...
The project of the "family laboratory" Familylab was designed by the renowned Danish family therapist and writer Jesper Juul based on forty years of experience in family therapy and counseling. How to create a good family atmosphere and quality relationships in the family, between children and adults and...
Colorful autumn brought new fashion brands for children, Duns from Sweden and Smafolk from Denmark, to the Mika children's online store. In the children's online store Mika, playful autumn and winter collections of children's clothing from the Danish brands Phister & Philina and...