Evgenija Jarc and Simona Osterc show a series of photographs where two worlds face each other: on the one hand...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
There are many keyboards that call themselves ergonomic, but only one bets on the card of truly perfect ergonomics. The redefined layout of the keys allows us to reach the desired key without having to move the entire hand or wrist, but only the finger closest to the typed letter. Despite the fact that the keyboard is a bit narrower...
Ski goggles with integrated GPS display. Again: ski goggles with an integrated GPS display. No, it's not a printing gnome! The company Zeal Optics, in collaboration with Recon Instruments, presented the first ski goggles that show us various data in real time, ranging from...
By the end of this year, LG will present as many as 10 new mobile phones from the mentioned series. These will be aimed primarily at users who are entering the world of smart phones for the first time. Built on the Android platform, they primarily offer the ease of use of various online mobile services offered by the megalomaniac Google. Series...
Shortly after the announcement of Windows Live Messenger 2011, which will also support HD image streaming, Microsoft did not stand idly by. The logical consequence is MS LifeCam Studio, which supports resolution up to 1080p HD. Unfortunately, it will not be compatible with another popular "communicator" Skype, but it will support automatic ...
For a long time, no manufacturer has chosen a name for a new laptop model as well as HP, which called its model short and clear - Envy. Anyone who wants a powerful, stylish and reliable laptop with a premium design and beautiful...
When our shopping jacket is already cramping due to the overflowing pockets of this and that, we can still say, "Auntie, here's another bag," and cram Iomega's 1.8-inch (4.57-centimeter) SSD Flash portable drive into it ). The maximum reading speed is 256 MB/s, writing data...
Če združita moči Sony in Google, se načeloma ne more izcimiti nič slabega, razen (dolgih) čakalnih vrst, mogoče. No, tokrat bo treba na Sony(jevo) Internet(no) Google TV še nekoliko počakati, saj jo pred začetkom naslednjega leta ne kanijo prodajati na tej strani velike luže, zato pa karakteristike in ...
You are invited to a transparent public tour of the National Museum of Slovenia Treasures and Slovenian Language: Identity and Symbol exhibitions. Entrance fee according to the price list, additional charge for management 1...
In his current exhibition, the artist presents a series of new works that, as the name suggests, were inspired by the idea of a nest and are evidence of the author's new geographical changes. ...
V Playi smo spoznavali čare Azije. Po službi smo se popolnoma prepustili rokam profesionalnih tajskih maserk iz priznanega masažnega centra Chaothai, ki so nam odpravile vse napetosti v mišicah, ki jih povzroča vsakodnevni stres. Z raznolikimi okusi tajske kuhinje nas je pozitivno ...