The biggest spectacle of the year at the Špas Theatre can only be seen a few more times this year. The opportunity to have fun with six irrepressible technological giants from Velenje, who take to the stage with the intention of exposing the last of what is left of them, can be taken advantage of on November 28th, 7th and 13th.
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Jedru Slovenskega knjižnega sejma – že poznani prodajni razstavi v zadnjem letu izdanih knjig – se vsako leto pridruži obilje prireditev, osredotočenih na knjigo in branje v različnih oblikah. V Debatni kavarni bomo lahko delili mnenje z uglednimi gosti, na Založniški akademiji izvedeli o novostih v ...
Relativno nova prireditev je dogodek, kjer je inovativnost oziroma nekoliko nenavadno razmišljanje v smeri novih rešitev predstavljeno z vso svojo fascinantnostjo. Organizatorji so med slovenskimi podjetji izbrali 128 proizvodov, 39 storitev in 9 poslovnih modelov, med katerimi so: pakiranje z evolucijsko umetno ...
Monodrama is one of the most elementary theater genres, when only one performer appears in front of us, who must convince us primarily with his ingenuity or genius, as he has fewer props and effects at his disposal. The selector of this year's Monodrama, Alen Jelen, has included six...
Marko Lipuš's exhibition is an overview of "thoughts" captured on paper, which include several artistic and craft media and as such go beyond the typical products of photographers, painters, illustrators, etc. It is about the coordination of diverse analog and digital images; these, like quotes in a fresh connection, are worn differently, ...
Bumblebee has a special place among Feydeau's plays. It is the first of his comedies, which was included in the repertoire of the famous Parisian theater Comédie-Française in 1951 and earned him the label of a classic and the greatest comedy writer after Molière. The topic is marital (in)fidelity, which...
La bella Opera is a collage of the most beautiful opera arias, duets, choruses, orchestral overtures and interludes from individual musical and theatrical works, combined in one performance. For opera lovers or those of us who are attracted to stage works, the interweaving of the best works in one whole is a very good compromise. With an elaborate overhead...
The best playwrights are always relevant. For Ivan Cankar, the creators of the show even claim that he has never been more relevant than he is today. His somewhat lesser-known drama Jakob Ruda was staged by Sebastijan Horvat, a director who in recent years has been quite a part of the representative...
Checkered, elegantly black and femininely seductive. All this is the new collection of Penny Black. Narrow skirts, tailored blazers, cute gloves and light blouses draw the silhouette of the fifties, check coats combined with brown bone remind of autumn in the countryside, leggings, jumpers, leather jackets and large bags work...
The Alkatraz Gallery invites you to the opening of the exhibition: PerspectiveRead More
Knitwear is an indispensable component of every autumn-winter collection, which is why Rašica paid even more attention to it than usual. They invited fashion designer Nataša Hrupič to participate, who created a sophisticated women's collection. In it, tight-fitting knitwear is wrapped in softly falling jackets and ponchos, ...
The new Mandarina Duck B-Drop line of travel bags and suitcases allows you to slip past the crowds occupying bus stops and airports. The line of rolling suitcases stands out because of its texture, which prevents them from being scratched or otherwise damaged. That's how everyone...