Through the eleven sections of the largest domestic film festival, we will enter the world of the best film productions of the past season. In Perspectives - the official competition group - young directors compete for the Vodomec award, while film highlights await us in Previews. These are joined by a wide range of…
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Frankfurt after Frankfurt is already a traditional meeting place for scientists, experts, librarians and students with new professional books in foreign languages. It is increasingly becoming a must-see for other book lovers as well. This year too, we will spend three days scrolling through the best, award-winning and best-selling...
The expansion of the Ana Desetnica festival in a noble version will take place this year for the second year in a row. It will stimulate our senses mainly with fire, playing with light and shadow, with smells and tastes. With a walk through Stari trg, Rebra, Osojna poti, Šance and Grajska plateau, we will pass through various fiery environments and...
In the Goriška brde during the Martin's Day, there are events in almost every village, but behind the medieval walls of Šmartne there are quite a few surprises that make it worth going there. Martinovanje lasts three days, which fills the village cellars with local winemakers, who, along with other coastal delicacies, will...
Praznik kakija je prireditev, ki nas bo navdušila s svojo preprostostjo, saj gre predvsem za predstavitev sadeža, ki med domačini in poznavalci velja za božanskega. Kaki po besedah ljubiteljev užitkov prinaša v jesen vse pomladne, poletne in jesenske sončne žarke Mediterana. Pridelovalci in domačini nam bodo na ...
The world's most famous group of circus performers and street artists, which is seen by nine thousand visitors every night in Las Vegas alone, is coming to our vicinity. Cirque du soleil, or sun circus, will stop in Zagreb for four days with the Saltimbanco circus spectacle. The show features 47 artists from...
Kako se lahko na klasičnih inštrumentih dopolnjujejo mojstri mešalnih miz in akademski glasbeniki, doslej v Sloveniji še nismo imeli priložnosti slišati. Skupina A la fetish je povabila k sodelovanju godalni kvartet InQuartet, DJ-ja Shifta in BA Tango. Poleg naštetih glasbenikov in glasbenikov, ki ...
Osrednje zanimanje tokratnega bienala intermedijske umetnosti in najnovejših komunikacijskih tehnologij se osredotoča na Novo naravo. Gre za nabor delavnic, razstav, predavanj in performansov, ki raziskujejo, kako lahko manipuliramo s snovjo na atomski ravni in tako spreminjamo ...
Nekaj manj kot sto fotografij Lee Miller – ikone, ki je začela svojo kariero kot vrhunska manekenka za modni reviji Vouge in Vanity Fair, nadaljevala kot ljubimka in učenka nadrealističnega fotografa Mana Rayja v Parizu in končala kot kultna fotografinja umetniške, modne in vojne fotografije – predstavlja vsaj ...
Zgodba preprostega kmečkega dekleta, ki se brezglavo zaljubi v plemiča Albrechta, si zaradi njegove prevare vzame življenje in se po smrti pridruži mladim dekletom, ki v maščevalnem duhu plešejo po gozdovih in prežijo na mlade fante, je zaradi glasbe, eteričnega plesa, kostumografije in ne nazadnje zgodbe baletna ...
V novembru bo nekaj večerov rezerviranih za tri komedije in eno erotično aluzijo. Gre za produkcije amaterskih gledališč, združenih v tekmovalnem programu Novačanovih gledaliških srečanj. S komedijo Kralj Ubu, polno cirkuških, burkaških in igrivih elementov, so se spoprijeli v KD Svoboda osvobaja in ...
The production of the Koper theater about the adventure of Stanko Škerjanc-Scheriani, the owner of Trieste's local Radio Juriš, with Pope Celestine VI, is a masterly interpretation by Gojmir Lešnjak - Gojca and Boris Kobal. Two completely opposite characters accidentally find themselves on the radio: a former...