Na oktoberski City kuharski akademiji smo se naučili kako svojim gostom ponuditi nekaj zanimivega, drugačnega, a hkrati enostavnega. Z malo domišljije in nekaj spretnosti smo običajne prigrizke spremenili v objekte, ki so nas očarali že s pogledom. Kako le z nekaj trikov, s pravimi sestavinami in malo ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Popoldansko druženje v Playi je bilo še posebej zanimivo za predstavnice ženskega spola. Ekipa profesionalnih frizerskih mojstrov in strokovnjakov s področja ličenja iz enega trenutno najbolj trendovskih salonov v Sloveniji TJ Style fashion & glam iz Nove Gorice, ki se ...
V Playi se je zgodila otvoritev že pete sezone poslužbenih zabav City After Work Party, ki vsak teden, natančneje vsako sredo popoldne privablja aktivne sodobne urbane ljudi na prijetno druženje, kramljanje in sproščanje ob dobri glasbi z didžejem na čelu, okusnih prigrizkih najboljših restavracij ...
A new restaurant and lounge bar, Dama, opens its doors in the E. Leclerc center in Maribor with a wide selection of lunches and snacks in a relaxing atmosphere. Until October 31, don't miss the favorable opening offer: mega salad with tomato and mozzarella and pasta Bolognese for 2.50 euros. All types of coffee for 1 euro. Come and be...
Sašo Justin is a split personality: during the week, a night bird, caught up in creating new rhythms, a dreamer and a connoisseur, during the weekends Mr. Madness, the most popular Slovenian hardcore DJ, producer and party organizer. He brought hardcore to Slovenia and caught his madness at the first Slovenian hardcore...
The Taga is a multi-purpose vehicle designed especially for active families and is both a baby carriage and a tricycle for riding with children. In a few seconds, the Taga transforms from a super fun, safe and easy-to-manage bike into a trendy stroller and vice versa, making it easy to go to the store, lift or...
The magical creative foam of Moon Dough is light as air and fluffy as a cloud, and the smallest children's hands can use it to create wonderful products full of imagination. The magical creative foam Moon Dough is the lightest modeling mass and enables the development of gross and fine motor skills in children on...
Control over the little one will be ensured with the video babysitter at all times, even when we are not directly with him. The Luvion Platinum digital video baby monitor with a range of up to two hundred meters will ensure the relaxed feeling of every parent, as it is equipped with the latest digital...