An unforgettable experience during film festivals is created not only by the colorfulness of the seaside town and the time of year, but also not only by the program. In the sections "Friends", "Trgatev", "Open island", "Silvan's cinema school", "Dok focus", "Otroška animatheka" and "Video on the beach", you can enjoy film excesses, talk to the creators or...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The children's bazaar will once again delight children and families in Ljubljana in the fall. Together with the youngest, we will have fun, create, watch music, theater and dance performances, visit the colorful stalls and exhibition spaces, buy and sell second-hand children's equipment at the Bazarka market, get rich...
Tradicionalen brezplačni žur ob začetku šolskega leta bo tokrat obiskala še ena vrhunska švedska pevka Agnes Carlsson. Mlada glasbenica trenutno navdušuje s hiti Release Me, I Need You ...
Na praznik buč odpre oljarna svoja vrata in s pestrim programom privabi mnogo obiskovalcev. Vinski in jabolčni kraljici se bo letos pridružila tudi bučna kraljica, potekal bo izbor za največjo in najzanimivejšo bučo. Društva in posamezniki se bodo pomerili v kuhanju bučnega golaža in različnih spretnostnih ...
While playing sunny Argentinian music, we will get to know the culture of drinking wine and the different flavors of the noble drop in the hacienda restaurant Argentino. In addition to seven exotic wines, including Graffigna Centenario Pinot Grigio, Graffigna Shiraz and Arnaldo B Etchart, we will also taste seven different Argentinian dishes. ...
The largest and extremely interesting event in Bohinj revives the old custom of rejoicing upon the return of majers or planšar from the high mountain pastures. For the whole weekend, Ribičev Laz and the neighboring villages turn into an idyllic land, where milk is literally squeezed and ... On this occasion, we will be able to see the production of ...
After four years, the international vintage vehicle festival, named after Baron Codelli, the first Slovenian owner of the steel horse, became known in neighboring countries as well. For two days, we will be able to enjoy the aesthetics and technology of past eras, exchange experiences with owners of oldtimers or just rekindle nostalgia. ...
The first event of its kind, a cycling and running marathon linked to ecological awareness, is linked to Mobility Week, but adds some new content to it. In addition to sports and reducing the use of personal vehicles in the city center, the first Eco Marathon is also engaged in ecological and...
One of the largest fairs in Slovenia offers the latest achievements on display every year and enables the presentation of trends and innovations in various industries, and presents the most reputable and successful small, medium and large companies both from Slovenia and abroad. The fair also provides excellent networking opportunities...
The city in the arms of the mountains is not only interesting for its natural heritage, but also for its ethnological diversity, which is presented at the Days of National Costumes and Clothing Heritage, when we can get to know something from the colorful spectrum of this kind of tradition at exhibitions and presentations. It might be a bit more interesting to get to know…
On the rapids of the Sava in Tacno, this year's world championship in kayak and canoe slalom will take place under the motto Divja voda, pure pleasure. In five days, the world's best kayakers and canoeists will compete on the course. We will definitely be able to cheer for our competitors, as Peter Kauzer also qualified for the competition...
On the second weekend in September, we can take time for the Vipava tambourines and Boris Kobal's monocomedy, which are the main highlights of the Friday evening. On Saturday, there will be a bicycle and soccer match and a measurement in street basketball. In the evening, the program will be shaped by a DJ and music by local bands. On the last day, Vipava will get a new wine...