Producer, instrumentalist and vocalist with a wide spectrum of musical activities. At his concerts, we can hear everything from jazz, freely improvised music, orchestral music, chamber music, popular music, tango, chansons...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The people of Primorje-Gorski had a wonderful time at the first City After Work Party, which took place in Koper, on the wonderful trendy terrace of the largest entertainment shopping center in Slovenia - Planet TUŠ Koper. A pleasant afternoon gathering in the company of the sun's rays was more than relaxing. Cute...
The biographical feature about Bob Dylan is an unconventional journey through the different periods of the legendary musician's life. His...
Francoska različica Monty Pythonov nas predpremierno pričakuje v Kinu pod zvezdami. Plastični igrači KavbojRead More
Zaključni večer gledanja filmov na grajski planoti v prestolnici je rezerviran za Vikendovo predpremiero, MorilcaRead More
An excellent retrofuturistic vision of horror under which Robert Rodriguez signed. The movie was in the US when it was releasedRead More
Ljubkost lokacije in kakovost programa odlikujeta dvodnevni dogodek, posvečen plesu in glasbi. Strasti bodo privrele na dan ob domačih in tujih ...
The Saturday summer evenings of the Cinema under the stars are completed by a hit movie in which Norah Jones and Jude Law played the main roles. My blueberries...
Poletni koncerti, ki potekajo ob četrtkih zvečer v prijetnem ambientu muzejskega atrija, so namenjeni glasbenim sladokuscem in tistim, ki želijo slišati nekaj novega. Različne glasbene zvrsti vklučujejo blues, soul, uglasbeno poezijo, jazz in ...