Skladatelj Peter Iljič Čajkovski je najbolj znan po baletih Labodje jezero in Trnuljčica ter po operi Evgenij Onjegin. Po priljubljenosti z zadnjo se v njegovemRead More
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Izvrsten dramski igralec in pianist Jure Ivanušič nas v glasbeni monokomediji popelje skozi celotno zgodovino glasbe - od njenih prvih zametkov v prazgodoviniRead More
Veselo igra prikazuje zmedo v neimenovani vasici, ko se vaške žene odločijo za stavko. Razlog za to skrajno dejanje ...
Enodnevni festival bo letos gostil enega izmed najbolj vročih in delavnih bendovta hip, skupino Elvis Jackson, ki bo v Ajdovščini koncertirala prvič. Pridružile sejim bodo še ameriški skupini No use for a Name in Lagwagon, gosti izhrvaške Overflow, mladi novogoričani Nervous Stompin ...
Richard Strauss's opera will be seen in Slovenia for the first time in a performance by the Mariinsky Read More
Mladostniško druženje ob topli Kolpiin Schengenski meji bodo popestrilitrodnevni koncetri in vroča salsa.Nastopali bodo Laibach, Jinx, HladnoPivo, Big Foot Mama, Elvis Jackson,Alien in U2 tribute band ...
Borut Veselko teaches us various lying techniques in one hour by demonstrating basic lying techniques. In a practical demonstrationRead More
The three sections of the festival - opera, theater and classical concert - offer prestigious evenings for the most demanding visitors. What is included in the program of the central festival of Mozart's birthplace is one of the highlights of high art. The Game of the...
The Ptuj Students' Club invites you to relax with blues and rock music, Brazilian and other rhythms. Don't miss the Crossroads band and international bands...
For over 15 years, Shaolin Kung Fu monks have been showcasing their fighting and physical movements all over the world in breathtaking performances. Due to their high level of meditation and extraordinaryRead More
The traditional reggae music and culture festival in the natural environment of the Sočeletos River announces performances by musicians: Mr. Vegas, Junior Tshaka, Luciano, Nature, Twinkle Brothers, Red Five Point Star, Fantan Mojah, Makako Jump, ...