Richard Strauss's opera will be seen in Slovenia for the first time in a performance by the Mariinsky Read More
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Mladostniško druženje ob topli Kolpiin Schengenski meji bodo popestrilitrodnevni koncetri in vroča salsa.Nastopali bodo Laibach, Jinx, HladnoPivo, Big Foot Mama, Elvis Jackson,Alien in U2 tribute band ...
Borut Veselko teaches us various lying techniques in one hour by demonstrating basic lying techniques. In a practical demonstrationRead More
The three sections of the festival - opera, theater and classical concert - offer prestigious evenings for the most demanding visitors. What is included in the program of the central festival of Mozart's birthplace is one of the highlights of high art. The Game of the...
Klub ptujskih študentov tudi letos vabina sprostitev ob glasbi bluesa in rocka,brazilskih in drugih ritmih. Ne zamuditeskupine Crossroads in mednarodnezasedbe ...
Že več kot 15 let menihi Shaolin Kung Fu prikazujejo svoje boje in telesne gibe po celem svetu v dih jemajočih predstavah. Zaradi visoke meditacije in izrednegaRead More
Tradicionalni festival reggae glasbe inkulture v naravnem okolju reke Sočeletos napoveduje nastope glasbenikov:Mr. Vegas, Junior Tshaka, Luciano, Nature,Twinkle Brothers, Red Five Point Star,Fantan Mojah, Makako Jump, ...
Festival odpira Matjaž Javšnik s komedijo Optimist, tej vsak dan ob 20. uri sledijo
Hrvaška Ibiza poleg številnih dogodkov elektronske glasbe v klubu Aquariusgosti trodnevni Moonsplash festival. Electro-house senzacija Laidback Luke,dj in producent Riva Starr in italijanski velikan elektronske glasbe Benny Benassibodo še dodatno ogreli že tako vroče ozračje v ...
The Rocking Chair or The Rocking Chair is a comedy by the Serbian humorist and the most prolific television screenwriter Novak Novaković. A case of ...