August has finally arrived, so we can go to a HOUSE PARTY on a barge. Portorož is perfectly created for a party in August, let alone for...
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Do you want to get to know a part of the rich African musical tradition? The summer months offer us the opportunity to create in the heart of nature and professionally...
You are invited to the 1st Festival of travel stories, photos, travel lectures, culinary delights, dance entertainment... See you in Sputnik between 18.08. and 21/08/2010, admission is free.
Musical theater festival in front of Atlantis Water Town Musical theater festival will be a real opportunity for entertainment and cultural pleasures. We invite you to end the summer under the stars, in the company of good music and renowned artists. Entry is...
We will be organizing an Art camp in Slovenia for the second year in a row! When: 14.8.-21.8.2010 Where: Pastoral center Čakovec, ...
Laguna mestna plaža v letošnjem poletju organizira vsak četrtek vinske večere z priznanimi slovenskimi vinarji iz goriških brd. Ta četrtek 15.7 vam predstavljamo priznano ime med Vinogradniki VINARSTVO ALEKSANDER.Vinarstvo “ALEKSANDER” vabi na vinski večer, ki bo 15.7. 2010 od 20:30 do 22:30 ...
In Playa, we successfully completed the fourth season of the popular City After Work Party. The Pomaranča restaurant spoiled us with delicious catering, and the lovely hostesses refreshed us with Aloe Vera Sappa. ...
Grupa Grupa and Tovarna Dela - Entering the world of work invite you to the WORKSHOP FOR BREAKFAST WHAT: 1. WORKSHOP OF PRINTS FOR PLATES OF THE FUTURE LOCAL INN. Prize for all: Mmmalica. In autumn, a new inn will open in Poljanska, which will operate according to the principles of social entrepreneurship, with fresh,...
On Njegoševa Street in Ljubljana, in the immediate vicinity of the University Clinical Center, a shop of Pekarne Blatnik called Happy Ekspres came to life. This is already the second concept store in our country, where visitors are offered the experience of the HappyPek brand, which was first introduced to the Slovenian market last December. ...
Včasih je za prijeten romantičen večer dovolj že odličen izbor okusnih sladkih presenečenj. Tako smo na julijski City kuharski akademiji skupaj s kuharskimi mojstri iz Kaval Groupa v salonu Elementare, s kuhinjskimi aparati Gorenje, odkrivali prvovrstne čare ...
Julija bomo filmofili lahko uživali ob izboru najbolj zanimivih filmov preteklega leta kar na prostem. Kinodvor bo v atriju Slovenskih železnic predstavil pet filmov, ki so zaradi različnih presežkov prepričali kritike in javnost. Izbor začenja Hanekejev Beli trak, ...