Največja turistična prireditev spremeni majhno mestece v center rajanja. Ob zaključnem večeru, ko mesto preplavi množica, nas bodo zabavali Pero Lovšin, Zoran Predin, Six Pack Čukur in mnogi drugi. Ta večer se lahko prepustimo tudi ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Hrana, ki je včasih veljala za dostopno vsem, ima vsako leto več oboževalcev, posledično tudi praznikov. V Ozeljanu ga organizatorji priredijo na dvorišču lokalnega dvorca, kar prispeva k posebnemu vzdušju. Na prireditvi ...
Despite the fact that the musical version of the cult film, which was created during Yugoslavia, premiered on Youth Day two years ago, it remains one of the most popular musicals in Serbia and abroad. Last year, he ranked among the biggest...
Gledališki festival Zlati lev v Umagu je pred desetimi leti zasnoval Damir Zlatar Frey s ciljem podreti jezikovne meje znotraj gledališkega ustvarjanja, kar mu je uspelo, saj je dogodek postal zelo prepoznaven v severnem delu Mediterana. Vsako ...
Roman Frana Finžgarja poznamo verjetno še iz osnovnošolskih klopi. Za letošnjo premiero gledališča Studenec je to nekoliko starejše besedilo, ki se ukvarja s svobodo ljudi. Dramatiziral in upesnil ga je Roman Končar. Tako ...
Until August 28, as part of the Puf puppet festival in Koper, Izola, Piran, Dekani and Ankaran, we will be able to watch around thirty performances, which, with the help of puppets, bring improvements to seaside towns to both adults and children in interesting locations, mostly outdoors. Most artists from...
The common note of all the photos taken by participants in Žiga Koritnik's workshops is love for the medium of images and love for music. That these two arts are perfectly connected is proven by a good reading of new authors: Petra Cvelbar, Maruša Bertoncelj, Marko...
Despite the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit. What else can we say? There are said to be around 7,500 different variations of the tomato. Its use is most widespread in Mediterranean, especially Italian cuisine. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or...
Režija: Sam Taylor-Wood. Igrajo: Aaron Johnson, Kristin Scott Thomas, Anne-Marie Duff, Thomas Sangster.Film predstavlja 15-letnega Johna, jeznega in problematičnega mladeniča, ki še ne sluti, da bo nekoč za vedno spremenil glasbeni svet. Za tiste, ki ne poznajo življenja Johna Lennona pred Beatlesi, bo ...
Director: Maren Ade. Starring: Birgit Minichmayr, Lars Eidinger, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Nicole Marischka On the surface, Gitti and Chris are completely in love, intertwined on vacation in Sardinia, but in the real world they act completely opposite. A seemingly insignificant event that is a meeting with...
Režija: David Slade. Igrajo: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Nikki Reed.Ljubezenska saga Somrak se nadaljuje z večnim hrepenenjem med Bello in vampirjem Edwardom. Njuno prepovedano romanco dodatno otežijo skrivnostni umori in grozeča vojna med ...