JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
At this year's City After Work Party in Playa, we enjoyed the sun, and Bandidos provided a real refreshment of the hot afternoon with its interesting flavors in a new attractive image. The nice hostesses served us Bandidos Tequila, Bandidos...
HOT WEEKS Cliché Jelena Leskovar in the rhythm of the hot offer of top fashion clothes and fashion accessories and footwear 1 June - 4 July 2010 Cliché Jelena shop-gallery...
We can hardly imagine summer without the Exit festival. This year too, Novi Sad will turn into the capital of great music and smiling people. For the tenth year in a row, the organizers have provided a diverse program that will satisfy a wide range of musical tastes. So they will be at different venues...
Sedaj že kultna skupina Aerosmith je nastala leta 1979 v Bostonu. Ustanovitelja skupine sta pevec Steven Tyler, ena najprepoznavnejših figur v rock glasbi, in kitarist Joe Perry. Tom Hamilton se jima je pridružil na basu, Brad Whitford je vzel v roke kitaro, bobne pa je prevzel Joey Kramer. V sedemdesetih letih ...
Radio Si - Radio Slovenia International has been operating for a quarter of a century, and on the occasion of its jubilee, the radio operators decided to organize a large open-air concert, which they named Radio Si Night. Famous Slovenian music groups will perform at the concert. At the party, to which we are all invited, we will be entertained by: Magnifico and...
V Ljubljano prihaja skupina, ki je na novo napisala smernice tanga, Gotan Project. Že desetletje nas razveseljujejo s svojim edinstvenim glasbenim kolažem tanga, elektronske glasbe ter glasbenih zvrsti kot so dub, hip hop, jazz vse tja do šansona in ambientalne glasbe. Za njihovo glasbo velja, da je čutna, očarljiva, ...
Križanke se bodo tresle pod fenomenalnimi ritmi glasbene senzacije tria Gossip. Zvok skupine Gossip lahko opišemo kot vokal soula in gospela, podprt s funky punk zvočno podlago. Gossip sestavljajo pevka Beth Ditto, kitarist Brace Paine in bobnarka Hannah Blilie, v Ljubljani pa bodo prvič za slovensko publiko predstavili ...
Obeta se nam najbolj vroča plesna zabava, ki nas bo s stilom popeljala poletju naproti. Dance republic – Revelation nas bo zopet popeljal v čudoviti svet elektronske glasbe na petih plesiščih in s pomočjo spretonosti sedemnajstih didžejev. Na veliko veselje vseh ljubiteljev elektronske glasbe prihaja svetovno ...
Nastopil bo enden najboljših kitaristov mlajše generacije Vincete Amigo. Novodobni mojster flamenko glasbe nam bo odigral v živo uspešnice z njegovih večkrat nagrajevanih albumov. Plošča Ciudad de las Ideas (Mesto idej) je bila nagrajena z grammyjem za najboljši album flamenka in nagrado ondas za ...