A concert by the legendary Serbian rock band Riblja čorba is planned. On the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, in addition to songs from the new album Minut sa njom, they will also play other well-known hits, such as Lutka sa slačne strana, Kada padne noč, Amsterdam, Dobro jutro, Avionu sromit ču ti krila and many others...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Victorio & Lucchino is a leading fashion brand in Spain created by the extremely talented designers Jose Victor Rodriguez and Jose Luis Medina del Corral. The original design is imbued with the irreplaceable personality of Andalusia, the latest innovations, tradition and philosophy that defines their style. In addition to the line...
In early June, international superstars Shakira and Mango launched a small collection of charity T-shirts inspired by the official FIFA World Cup anthem Waka Waka. The design of the four shirts represents the spirit, vitality and energy of the host of the championship, and the profit from the sale will be donated to institutions...
The intoxicating fragrances of Christian Dior invite you on a new journey to distant lands, all the way to Polynesia and one of its most beautiful archipelagos - the Marquesas Islands. Rich fabrics, luxurious materials, the art of scenography and sumptuous dances: 17th-century France was an endless source of inspiration for Christian Dior. ...
The summer theme of the Charles Vögele brand is Global Etno. The collection includes new summer shades: dark lilac, kerosene, dark brown, olive and white. All of these are easily combined with the color of jeans, which awakens the desire for adventure in women. The clothes are marked by ethnic influences from all over the world,...
Topshop will also find its place in the summer wardrobe, we will certainly meet it on sandy beaches and city swimming pools. The swimwear strongly flirts with retro fashion, as evidenced by patterns of dots and colorful flowers, bows, frills, draperies and the cuts themselves. The one-piece swimsuit is tied around the neck, contains circular ...
STAMPS are naughty wristwatches that resemble postage stamps in shape and design. Among the colorful selection of patterns we find African paintings, various inscriptions, animal patterns, flowers, graphic prints and small drawings. When we find just the right colorful brand, we choose the strap of our choice and thus stop...
Smart girls know that looks are not everything, but they are very important. That's why fashion should be fun, useful and playful, just like Si.mobil's phones for smart girls. Nokia X6 white, with a white color and a blue accent on the edges, will delight those who swear by bright colors and a touch screen. Nokia X3 in feminine white blue...
This time the City After Work Party is reserved for new experiences and new tastes. At the presentation of Vegeta's sweet paprika mix, we will push culinary milestones, create culinary creations and enjoy snacks. To be ready for new cooking challenges, Vegeta's hostesses will equip us with a booklet...
Tečaji so namenjeni vsem, ki se želimo likovno izobraževati ali pa se bomo v naslednjem šolskem letu vpisali na likovno srednjo šolo ali fakulteto. Lahko hodimo v osnovno šolo ali srednjo šolo.Izbiramo lahko med naslednjimi tečaji:- začetni tečaj risanja- arhitekturno risanje, ...
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