Glasbene hite, kot so White Wedding, Rebel Yell, Dancing with Myself, Hot in the City in mnoge druge, bomo lahko doživeli v live originalni izvedbi. Billy Idol prihaja s Steveom Stevensom in skupino v odlični formi v Evropo na nekaj velikih ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
V rozariju Arboretuma Volčji Potok si lahko ogledamo preko dvesto sort vrtnic. Našli bomo: divje in na pol divje šipke, skupine starih, zgodovinskih vrtnic, velike rožne grme, zbirke sortnih rugoz in nekaj popenjavk. Organizatorji ...
Poleg predstavitve športa, ki nudi izjemne panoramske poglede, zaznamuje balonarski festival v Mariboru tekma "lov na lisico", ki poteka tako, da Read More
A two-day festival of Mediterranean delicacies turns Izola into a gourmet center. We will be able to walk on Manzioli Square and Verdi Street...
Glavna zvezda med sladicami, ki je včasih veljala za krepčilni prigrizek med poletno košnjo, si je v okviru kobariškega sejma izborila posebno mesto. Na kobariškem trgu se bomo lahko tako razvajali z dobrotami ...
The World Festival of Tržič bržol is still very young among festivals, as it is only taking place this year for the second time, but it is that much tastier. On it, we can meet local and foreign groups who will compete in cooking...
Z obiskom gostujoče razstave bomo lahko doživeli delček največje svetovne glasbene legende, Elvisa Presleyja, preko njegovih predmetov. Gre za edino tovrstno razstavo na svetu. Do ...
Glasbeno odrski dogodek par excellence, namenjen celotni družini, je zaradi velikega zanimanja najavil še nekaj junijskih predstav in hkrati sporočil, da se najverjetneje poslavlja od odrskih desk. Produkcija Prešernovega gledališča ...
The exhibition is the first transparent presentation of feminist art in our country. It covers a wide time frame, from the latest and new works to historical works of art created in various visual media: photographs, video, print, ...
The Špas Teatar production, which is probably one of the most acclaimed performances this season, will also show its strengths on the coast. After the presentation in Ljubljana, we can say that it is definitely worth seeing, but not only because of the excellent cast, excellent ...