Ob prihodu pomladi prihaja v deželo Flora − pisan sejem, posvečen tako ljubiteljskim vrtnarjem kot profesionalnim vzgojiteljem cvetlic. Vzgoja semen, čebulic, gomoljev, sadik, sadnega drevja, okrasnih rastlin ter vsa pripadajoča oprema sta le del programa. Seznanili se bomo ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Neverjeten odziv na najbolj mokro in hkrati zabavno bitko na snegu je zagotovilo, da bo letošnji Luža contest dogodek, ki nam bo zaradi snega, sonca, vode in dobre zabave še dolgo ostal v spominu. Recept tekme je preprost: tekmovalec mora s ...
All fans of Tuscan cuisine will be delighted by this time's gourmet indulgence at the Angel restaurant in Ljubljana. Their next culinary indulgence will be typical Tuscan. Among other things, we will be able to try a spread made of anchovies - anchovies or brglunos, as these famous salted fish are called. In ...
Prava izbiraNajpogosteje so nam na voljo v olje vloženi slani inčuni, pasta iz slanih inčunov ali olje slanih inčunov. Če nimamo na voljo slanih inčunov, ali če nam ni ljub njihov močan okus, lahko uporabimo pasto iz inčunov. Pri tem imejmo v mislih, da pasta nima tako močnega okusa, je pa bolj slana in v njej so ...
Directed by: Jacques Audiard. Starring: Tahar Rahim, Niels Arestrup, Alaa Oumouzoune, Adel Bencherif, Gilles Cohen, Salem Kali, Pascal Henault, Sonia Hell. After arriving in prison, 19-year-old Malik is taken under his wing by the uncompromising leader of the Corsican prison camp, Cesar, and orders the newcomer to kill one of the...
Director: Francis Ford Coppola. Starring: Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall.Benjamin L. Willard is an army captain who, in the midst of Vietnam madness, receives a special assignment - he must find and eliminate the renegade Colonel Kurtz, who leads a half-wild tribe deep in the Cambodian jungle...
Director: John Maringouin, Molly Lynch. Actors: Martin Strel, Borut Strel, Matthew Mohlke. During the 66-day odyssey, Strel faces a lot of obstacles: from aquatic predators and exotic infections to wild rapids and pollution with poisons. If you add Martin's eccentric...
Directed by: Pedro Almodovar. Starring: Carmen Maura, Antonio Banderas, Julieta Serrano. The cheated "double" first thinks of taking her own life, but then she just straightens up and decides to take revenge on the cheater, who is otherwise a married man. His wife also has similar thoughts. The actress's friend is on...
Directed by Martin Scorsese. Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Emily Mortimer, Michelle Williams, Max von Sydow, Patricia Clarkson. In 1954, at the height of the Cold War, federal sheriff Teddy Daniels and his new partner Chuck Aule are called to Shutter Island, ...
V marcu se bomo lahko na City After Work Partyu sladkali s pravo blejsko rezino, ki je navdušila že veliko sladokuscev. Za glasbo bo poskrbel House FM!, manjkala pa ne bo tudi pijača ...