Various projects are held in the multimedia center on the subject of information, education, e-culture and e-social: - initial and advanced computer use courses, - use of user programs for project management MS Project and Mindjet, - useful multimedia workshops (digital photography, design, capture and...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The coast is romantic in itself, especially during beautiful sunsets, even more beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunny days. But cuisine can also be romantic. Especially if it is offered to us in the beautiful surroundings of the lush Mediterranean park in Ankaran. There, on the hill above the road that leads...
Primorske ženice bi se križale, če bi slišale, da obstaja nona tudi na Štajerskem. Po invaziji primorsko obarvanih oštarij v Ljubljani, kjer se kar tare non in oljk in špajz, se je primorski val razširil tudi na kulinarično "državo" Štajersko. A sosedovo je vedno boljše, zato lahko ...
One of the rare examples of a suburban villa is hidden in Metleče near Šoštanje, on a slight hill. Villa Široko, a part of the history of Šoštanj, was built in the 1930s. In the past, members of the Woschnagg leather family lived here, but today, with a little support, the villa...
Regardless of the fact that Ljubljana is only a small village in the global sense, it is still one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In particular, the Ljubljanica embankment has a special charm, and that is precisely why many lovers go there for romantic walks. Love, as the old wisdom says, passes through the stomach, so couples in love love each other...
V velikem planetarnem novomeškem centru z velikimi kinodvoranami bomo lahko zelo hitro postali lačni, najsi bo zaradi nakupovanja, pohajanja ali akcije v kinodvorani. Na pomoč nam priskoči zgodba o okusu v restavraciji La Storia. V prvi vrsti gre za picerijo, kjer lahko izbiramo med 28 vrstami pic, med katerimi se bo ...
Italian films demand an Italian culinary party after watching them, which can be best done in the Maribor Colosseum, because after watching the film, you won't even have to leave the building and you'll already be in Samsara - a restaurant with an Italian touch. The food is typically Italian, featuring a mix of influences...
Celje ponuja zanimivo kombinacijo kina in hrane, saj bomo film pogledali v nakupovalnem središču, če pa ne bo dovolj napet, se bomo sprehodili do sosednjega citycentra, kjer nam bodo "podkurili" v barvitem mehiškem imperiju z barvito hrano. vendar hrana ne le da izgleda lepo, tudi zelo okusna je, še posebej, če ...
Kinodvor je spet odprl svoja vrata. Po polemikah, ki so spremljale to slovensko ustanovo drugačnega filma, bomo lahko primanjkljaj kakovostne kinematografije intenzivno nadomeščali na Kolodvorski ulici. Naporni filmi so naporni tudi za želodec in usta, ampak takoj čez cesto je pivnica ...
On the Castle Square in Žužemberk, just 50 meters from the Žužemberk Castle, we will find a cozy inn, where we prepare hot breakfasts, lunches and a wide selection of pizzas from the bread oven every day. We can also choose from à la carte dishes based on local cuisine. Every day will make us smell...
Bled, cvet slovenskega turizma, ne ponuja le enkratnih razgledov in čudovitega jezera. Slovenski dobrojedci, tuji in domači turisti ter slovenski eminentneži se na Bledu oglasijo predvsem zaradi inovativne restavracije Topolino. Barve zaznamujejo Topolino ne le na stenah, ampak predvsem na krožnikih. Poudarek je na sezonski ...
On the outskirts of Sorško polje, in Reteče near Škofja Loka, we can find the former old village inn Pri Danilu. It was first mentioned in 1870, it got a new look in 1961, and it still represents a link with the rich heritage of cuisine and gastronomy, for which the inn was known already in...