Rodik is there, away from the highway and the city, as we drive along the old road towards the sea, a little further from Divača and to the left, and a little further. It is difficult to remain indifferent, first of all because of the village itself, and then because of the culinary "perversion" and true Slovenian homeliness. Dear Mrs. Mahorčič...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Bistroji izvirajo iz Francije, predstavljajo pa majhno restavracijo, ki ponuja majhen, enostaven, a zelo okusen izbor jedi. V prenovljenem centru najboljšega soseda v Ljubljani se je po nedavni prenovi v sosedstvu najsvetlejšega dela centra ob ogromnih oknih znašel tudi Bistro Comida, zatočišče utrujenih ...
"Na Krasu je krasno, nikdar ni prezgodaj, nikdar ni prekasno: vse je zmeraj o pravem času, na Krasu." Na prijetnem gričku, od koder seže pogled daleč naokrog po vinogradih in sadovnjakih, najdemo prijetno domačijo Škerlj. Domačija je že zdavnaj presegla meje preproste domače oštarije, saj si danes poleg ...
Wine, local food and Pohorje. Winning combinations, especially if we find them on a pleasant tourist farm, looking down on us from a sunny hill among the vineyards. From Maribor, we head towards Malečnik, where we turn onto the wine road, which will take us right to the farm. At Bračkovi's, we will be spoiled with food...
Tourist farm Pri Marku is located in the pleasant village of Crngrob. Many people think of the Church of the Annunciation, which is considered one of the most important monuments of fine art in Slovenia, but it offers much more. This is a village that, due to its location and views of the Sorško polje and...
Mnogi so se v Coljavi že pred leti redno ustavljali zaradi osmice, o kateri se je govorilo daleč naokoli, zato je enkrat moralo priti do odločitve in občasno ponudbo osmice razširiti na celo leto. Pred nekaj leti je torej nastala turistična kmetija Ostrouška Pelicon v srcu Krasa, v domovini terana. Le-tega nam ...
Sports and food? Does this even go together? Of course, after every sporting activity there is a fair snack that will help us regain our strength. And in Tomačevo, we can ideally combine both. In ŠRC Gradiant, they have long been known for their extensive sports offer, which started with tennis, but today you can...
In the recreation center Vogu in Besnica, the rule is to combine the pleasant with the useful. And this applies to both sports and culinary offerings. Already in 1993, it started with tennis courts, which were followed by beach volleyball courts, and today we can have recreation on all...
Sometimes it happens that we cannot handle the organization of a birthday, wedding or other occasion by ourselves. This can happen because there is too much food to prepare or we cannot find a suitable space. In Bled, at the Ribno Hotel, we can be saved from such a predicament, because in addition to restaurant cuisine...
Kaj je lepšega, kot se v prihajajočih vročih dneh odpraviti v kak miren, hladen kotiček naše dežele z namenom kratkega oddiha in »odklopa« od vsakdanjega življenja. Iški vintgar je eden od takih prelepih kotičkov, kjer se poleg počitka in sprostitve ob vodi lahko tudi pošteno okrepčamo. ...
Portorož velja za najbolj sončen kraj v Sloveniji, kar pomeni, da bi se morali vsi čim več časa zadrževati tam. In ker ob uživanju na soncu običajno postanemo kar pošteno lačni, je najbolje, da se napotimo proti portoroškim teniškim igriščem, kjer nas v bližini morja čaka Restavracija in ...
Kot se za pravo obmorsko mesto spodobi, ima tudi Piran konkretno ponudbo restav - racij na svoji promenadi, le nekaj korakov od morja. Ena bolj znanih in tudi že lep čas prisotnih je restavracija Tri vdove, v osnovi ribja restavracija, ki pa ponuja precej tudi za tiste izbirčneže, ki ne jedo rib. Specialiteta restavracije je ...