There are few restaurants where we are interrupted during lunch by a plane that is taking off or landing. That is why a visit to the Lesce Airport Restaurant, which can be seen if you drive along the main road towards Jesenice, is unique and unforgettable. Their cuisine is just like that, which is joined in every period of the year by different...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The tourist farm Kranjc-Pavlič is located in the Posavské hribovje in Okroglica, 600 m above sea level. It can be reached from Zidane Most or Sevnica via Loka and Radeč. The facility is built in the style of the Kozolecs, old tools are on display and you can feel that you have entered a homely environment. The farm can be visited from...
V Strunjanu ob cesti, kjer se le-ta začne počasi vzpenjati proti Portorožu, stoji na desni strani gostilna Pod trto. Ime je dobila po stari trti, v senci katere nikoli ne manjka gostov. Pod trto je tipična slovenska primorska gostilna, kjer nam bodo potešili lakoto z odličnimi dnevno svežimi ribjimi jedmi, katerih izbira ...
Sredi novega dela portoroške marine se nahaja restavracija Laguna, ki s svojim čudovitim razgledom, mednarodno kuhinjo in ugodnimi cenami vabi popotnike z morja in druge ljubitelje morskih jedi, ki v njih želijo uživati na svežem zraku in v bližini morja. Terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na Portorož in marino, polno ...
In the village of Korte, just three kilometers from Izola and Portorož, stands the temple of culinary experiences, Torkla House. Decorated in a typical Istrian style, the restaurant fulfills the wishes of the most demanding lovers of top-quality food and noble drops. They are experts in the preparation of truffles and related seafood and meat dishes, fish...
Halfway between Ljubljana and Maribor, next to the Praser ponds near Šentrupert and the Savinja river, stands the Sajovic restaurant. It is mainly famous for preparing fresh sea and freshwater specialties. Their house specialties are sea bream in the Tuscan style, salmon cutlet on leek rice, grilled grouper cutlet, fish...
Papala je prvi vegansko-vegetarijanski lokal na Gorenjskem, kamor zaradi odlične hrane prihajajo gostje iz vseh koncev Slovenije. Na mirni lokaciji, na Mohorjevem klancu, si lahko v pomirjujočem ambientu z mirno glasbo, svečkami in eteričnimi olji privoščimo lahko hrano. Ponudba je pestra, izbiramo lahko med testeninami, ...
Ajdovo zrano is a self-service inn in the very center of Ljubljana, not far from Prešeren square. this is definitely not a salad bar, but a real sanctuary of healthy and varied flavors. they offer dishes from all over the world that have not lost their authentic taste on the way to us. when we enter the room, we have a view of a large...
Okarina je čudovita restavracija v bližini jezera na Bledu. Prav z besedo čudovito pa je njeno hrano opisal tudi Sir Paul McCartney, ki je bil pred časom v njej gost. Na bogatem, pestrem meniju lahko izbiramo med izvirno domačo in mednarodno kuhinjo. Obe temeljita na načelu zdravih in eksotičnih kulinaričnih užitkov. Meni bo ...
When we want Leskovac delicacies, then we have to turn into the portal guest house on Zaloška cesta in Ljubljana. it is located in a quiet part of the city, next to Ljubljana and only ten minutes from the city center. the restaurant has a large parking lot, two conservatories and a summer garden, so there is enough space for larger groups and...
Atrium can be found in the old town center of Ljubljana. iv. the culinary offer of the restaurant is very diverse, and their speciality and specialty is the preparation of dishes under the stove and oven. it is the oldest and healthiest way of preparing food on the Balkan Peninsula. they prepare lamb, kid, veal and delicious...
Turkish cuisine is known for its specific and rich taste, and the good news is that we can also enjoy its culinary delights and cultural program in our country. in the Yildiz Han restaurant in our capital, Turkish chefs prepare a rich selection of specialties from various Turkish regions. ...