Okarina je čudovita restavracija v bližini jezera na Bledu. Prav z besedo čudovito pa je njeno hrano opisal tudi Sir Paul McCartney, ki je bil pred časom v njej gost. Na bogatem, pestrem meniju lahko izbiramo med izvirno domačo in mednarodno kuhinjo. Obe temeljita na načelu zdravih in eksotičnih kulinaričnih užitkov. Meni bo ...
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When we want Leskovac delicacies, then we have to turn into the portal guest house on Zaloška cesta in Ljubljana. it is located in a quiet part of the city, next to Ljubljana and only ten minutes from the city center. the restaurant has a large parking lot, two conservatories and a summer garden, so there is enough space for larger groups and...
Atrium can be found in the old town center of Ljubljana. iv. the culinary offer of the restaurant is very diverse, and their speciality and specialty is the preparation of dishes under the stove and oven. it is the oldest and healthiest way of preparing food on the Balkan Peninsula. they prepare lamb, kid, veal and delicious...
Turkish cuisine is known for its specific and rich taste, and the good news is that we can also enjoy its culinary delights and cultural program in our country. in the Yildiz Han restaurant in our capital, Turkish chefs prepare a rich selection of specialties from various Turkish regions. ...
When the ski slopes are covered with snow and the cable car starts, the winter season begins in Krvavac. This is also the time when restaurants start operating in Krvavac. On the southern slope of Krvavec, just above the forest border, right near the upper station of the cable car, we find the Gospinc plateau, where the Mountain Society from...
V Kranju pri trgovskem središču Supernova stoji picerija in špageterija Buf. V predprostoru restavracije je majhna kavarnica, kjer lahko uživamo ob kavici in sladici. Izbiramo lahko med širokimi rezanci z medom in orehi, hišno pito, gratiniranimi palačinkami s skuto in dnevno svežimi tortami. Za zanimiv ...
In the heart of Bled, near the lake and the main bus station, we come across one of the oldest inns in the area. Since 1903, it has been a popular meeting place for locals and tourists, as well as traveling motorcyclists. Mountaineers share a special bond with motorcyclists; the owner of the nice inn is delighted...
Paparotti pizzeria is located in the middle of Jars in Domžale. that the pizza will be "the right one", we notice immediately at the entrance, when our attention is drawn to the bread oven and inviting aromas. Although pizzas make up the majority of the range, offering more than 30 different types of pizzas, from meat and vegetable to raw and seafood, pizzas are not...
In a clearing in the middle of the forest in the new field stands the Zajčja Dobrava Inn. it has a long tradition, but it shone in today's light recently, when it got a new owner. their cuisine is based on international cuisine, and specialties include baked rabbit, veal, lamb and kid. in delicious...
V prvem nadstropju ljubljanskega trgovskega kompleksa city park se nahaja raj za vse sladokusce – simpatična kavarna in slaščičarna pod vodo. po napornem popoldnevu nakupovanja se bo gotovo prilegel počitek ob dobri kavi, izbranem čaju, torti ali ob kepici sladoleda v prijetnem ambientu slaščičarne, opremljene ...
Če se vračate z izleta na Gorenjskem ali se peljete ob glavni cesti iz Domžal proti Kranju, vas bodo vaši malčki opozorili na Pizzerijo Botana, ki se nahaja tik ob glavni cesti v Lahovčah. Picerija je poleg okusne hrane poznana zaradi velikega otroškega igrišča, ki vabi na obisk že s ceste. Medtem ko se ...
V najvišjem nadstropju ljubljanske name najdemo odlično "družinsko" kavarnico – mačjo kavarnico. kavarna se nahaja sredi celega nadstropja igrač in oblačil za najmlajše. poleg tega, da za mamice in očke poskrbijo s skodelico kave, sladko tortico ali božanskimi sendviči, najbolj poskrbijo za najmlajše. ...