Garage pizzeria is located along Dolenjska cesta in Ljubljana, where they offer a wide variety of pizzas, hot sandwiches and desserts. the garage should not be counted as one of many pizzerias, as it has a very special and unique atmosphere. the walls are full of car plates from all over the world, car parts, exhaust pipes, ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Vegedrom, a slightly special restaurant, awaits us just right away from the hustle and bustle of Celovška Street in Ljubljana. in a relaxed atmosphere, a mixture of Slovenian homeliness and Indian decoration, we find a modern culinary offer that adheres to all the principles of a healthy diet. as the name of the restaurant suggests, in...
BAKALCA AND ŽLIKROFI FOR HUNGRY TRAVELERS If we drive along the valley from Idrija towards Cerkno, in Sp. We turn to Idrija over the bridge and uphill follow the sign for Gostilna Mlinar, which is famous for its game and sea fish, but don't miss their offer of home-made dishes, typical of the Idrija region. They like to turn to Mlinar...
Vse tisti, ki smo vajeni babičine kuhinje in vse tiste, ki iščem domačnost, v Kopru pričakuje Gostilna Miranda. Kar se ponudbe tiče, pri Mirandi skorajda ne moremo zgrešiti. Krožnik ponudbe sestavljajo hladne predjedi, kot so na primer riž, rezanci, njoki, špageti, fuži, ...
a good half hour's walk to Jota and RiČeta Šmarna gora is a place for an afternoon or Sunday excursion for the people of Ljubljana, it can be said that it is almost a must-see point that you must visit at least once in your life. some are particularly attached to this hill, as they treat themselves to a brisk walk to the 669-meter-high peak every day. ...
TO THE POHORSKI PISKER Lovers of authentic Slovenian cuisine will feel like they are in heaven in Bezena, a little way before Ruša, which is two little ways behind Maribor. They have the Vernik restaurant to thank for this, where they offer traditional homemade delicacies. Who wouldn't have their taste buds "itchy" at the mention of home-made stuffed rabbit,...
umirjena veČerja v središČu zabave mediteranska restavracija casa nostra v zabaviščnem centru arena vodafone live! ponuja pred ali po igri bowlinga, obisku 3d-kina ali napornem predprazničnem nakupovalnem dnevu sprostitev v sredozemskem vzdušju. v restavraciji, ki je zasnovana v dveh nivojih, predvsem v ...
Behind the bright orange walls of Manna Culinary House in Trnov, a real gourmet experience is hidden, based on Slovenian, European and Mediterranean cuisine. the pleasant ambience and calm atmosphere are perfect for a romantic dinner for two. first of all, we are greeted by a cafe where fans come to their own account...
mehiški skok v novo leto privlačna rdeča hiša v knafljevem prehodu v ljubljani že na zunaj izdaja malce barvitosti in ostale okus - ne vsebine notranjosti … v njej domuje mehiška restavracija cantina mexicana, ki ponuja različne mehiške specialitete: tex-mex, fajitas, tacos, chimicangas, ...
TUSCAN CUISINE IN THE GORENJ MOUNTAINS From the beginning of December onwards, you can let yourself be pampered in a real Tuscan restaurant in Gorenjska, more precisely near Kranjska Gora. The classic à la carte catering offer has been expanded in the restaurant with special tasting menus (you can choose between meat or fish), which will...
POSEDANJE NA OBREŽJU SAVINJE V skorajda idiličnem okolju na robu Celja, le streljaj od starega mestnega jedra, na letnem vrtu pri Jezu ponuja Sladki Toni osvežujoče sladice za vroče poletne dni. Vrt boste najlaže našli, če se sprehodite po med meščani priljubljeni sprehajalni poti ob Savinji, na tako imenovanem ...
Za uživanje kraških dobrot v avtentičnem okolju stare kmečke hiše se odpravimo v Gostilno Šajna v Šepulje ali enostavneje na Domačijo, kot ji domači in gostje raje rečejo. S primorske avtoceste zavijemo proti Sežani, nadaljujemo po stari cesti proti Novi Gorici in v vasi Križ sledimo kažipotom za ...