BARBECUE WITH THE SMELL OF THE SEA The old olive tree hides an intimate message in its name, as is characteristic of every mighty olive tree. Around the strong stalks of old olive trees, people have always loved to socialize and confess their feelings, indulge in pleasures in the shade of bushy olive branches - at least that's what the creators guarantee...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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THE MAGICAL SWAN Restaurant Labod is in the very heart of Bled with a romantic view of Lake Bled. It is suitable for various social occasions and business lunches or simply for meetings with family and friends. In a warm, harmonious atmosphere, in which everyone is happy to sit a moment longer, they offer you a wide selection...
Prvi ljubljanski Žar ostaja ko v ljubljani pomislimo na jedi z žara, se zagotovo najprej spomnimo gostilne pod rožnikom. ob priljubljeni sprehajalni poti na rožnik že več kot 30 let ponuja jedi s »tistega pravega« žara, na oglje, ne na elektriko. svojo ponudbo označujejo kot balkanski žar, saj se prilagaja krajevnemu ...
In Ljubljana, it's easy to find a mihalek pastry shop, as a picture of a large cake on a house on Celovška street already points us to it. but when we stop there and enter the pastry shop, we are greeted by a pleasant space of intoxicating aromas and interesting sweets. mihalek patisserie has been considered for several years...
SPROŠČENOST MED ZELENIMI GRIČKI Restavracija Vnukec v bližini vinorodnega področja Meranovega obiskovalcem poleg dobre hrane in animacije v lepi zeleni dolini ponuja tudi sprostitev za oči. Do Vnukca boste zlahka našli, saj se nahaja le nekaj kilometrov iz Maribora (na poti proti pohorski vzpenjači iz Maribora na ...
A delicious stop on the highway from the end of March, on your way to a trip to the hills or to the sea, you can stop at the new Marche restaurant, which is located at the lukovica rest area. the first surprise - when you enter, you will feel like entering a market - because there are baskets of fruits and vegetables everywhere, and also all...
THIRSTY? If you are going to Primorska and want a business lunch or dinner, or just good food, you must stop in the small village of Ozeljan. Ozeljan is located seven kilometers from Nova Gorica in the direction of Ljubljana. The restaurant has 30 seats, in the summer an additional 30 in the garden. Even though Jeja is small, you will...
FOR YOUR STOMACH AND REST In the old village of Kobarid, at the end of the carriageway among the trees, we find a very special house - the House with a capital H - the Franko House. This is the right address for both gourmets and those who would like to take a break from urban everyday life. You will be spoiled with homemade food and local products. Foods ...
RAZVAJANJE VSEH ČUTOV Gostilnico pri Markotu v Stražišču pri Kranju nekateri poznajo po dobri kavi, drugi po odlični hrani Marka Begiča. Vzrok za to gre iskati v razdeljenosti prostora na kavarno in gostilno, prva je v temno modri, druga v beli kombinaciji. Gostilnici daje pečat pokriti del vrta, ki s skrbno izbranimi ...
Japonski dizajn v samem centru ljubljane, nedaleč od prešernovega trga, najdemo edino japonsko restavracijo v mestu. v prijetnem ambientu vas v kulinarične specialitete daljne dežele povabita dva japonska kuharja, ki imata dolgoletne izkušnje in znata zadovoljiti še tako zahtevne goste. vse jedi pripravljajo po ...
A modern fast lunch on the Vienna road in Ljubljana, in the glass dvor office building, since September last year, we have been able to enjoy a fast lunch during the workday in the modern buffet restaurant glažuta. in a pleasant, bright, minimalistic atmosphere - designed by the architect jani vozelj - they offer everyday...
GORENJSKO SLADKANJE Žive barve lokala v starem mestnem jedru Kranja vabijo na nekaj minutk oddiha ob dobri kavi, prebiranju časopisa in sladkih skušnjavah. Kdor si želi posladkati dan, si lahko izbere eno od domačih tortic, domači sladoled, sadno kupo ali pa osvežilni koktajl. V Cukrarni pravijo, da slovijo predvsem po ...