Tradition in Ljubljana next to Ljubljana, on Kodeljevo in Ljubljana, we find an inn with a long tradition and a very diverse selection of fish dishes and fresh fish in Ljubljana. in the summer time, you will be entertained in the atrium garden, which can accommodate around a hundred guests. fish is prepared in different ways: together with potatoes, they are baked...
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ON THE FISH! The building from the 18th century on Slomškovo trg housed the first cafe in Maribor, which also houses the memorial study room of the retired general Rudolf Maistro, where he spent too many working days. Six years ago, the bar was renamed Novi svet pri Stolnica. It has a reputation among gourmets as a renowned fish...
ROMANTIČNO OB RIBNIKU V neposredni bližini Nove Gorice, na obrobju Rožne doline in Panovca, ob skrivnostnem ribniku stoji lesena brunarica, ki si je pridobila sloves vrhunske ribje restavracije. Mirna in tiha lokacija je hkrati tudi odlično izhodišče za sprehode po senčnih poteh bližnjega Panovca. V oskrbo vas sprejme ...
KubistiČno restavracijo cubo najdemo na šmartinski cesti v ljubljani, natančneje na vogalu poslovne stavbe zeleni trikotnik. v restavraciji svoje goste razvajajo z najrazličnejšimi dobrotami preko celega dneva – za malico, kosilo ali večerjo. posebej privlačna je zaradi drugačnosti, ki navdušuje najbolj ...
KotiČek na robu mesta v neposredni bližini južne ljubljanske obvoznice, znotraj avtocestnega obroča, se 500 metrov od trgovskega centra rudnik nahaja gostilna vrbinc. pri vrbincu se poleg poslovnih kosil lahko pohvalijo tudi s kulturo slow fooda. izvrstna je ponudba morske hrane, nudijo pa tudi velik izbor vegeterijanskih jedi. od ...
LET YOURSELF BE PAMPERED Gostilna Pec in Selnica near Maribor has been opening its doors wide for a century. Along the river embankment, rafters from Drava used to stop long ago, but today excellent cuisine and hospitality invite you to the silence of the green shelter of the Drava. Tastefully arranged interior spaces match the idyllic nature...
THIRSTY? If you are going to Primorska and want a business lunch or dinner, or just good food, you must stop in the small village of Ozeljan. Ozeljan is located seven kilometers from Nova Gorica in the direction of Ljubljana. The restaurant has 30 seats, in the summer an additional 30 in the garden. Even though Jeja is small, you will...
FOR YOUR STOMACH AND REST In the old village of Kobarid, at the end of the carriageway among the trees, we find a very special house - the House with a capital H - the Franko House. This is the right address for both gourmets and those who would like to take a break from urban everyday life. You will be spoiled with homemade food and local products. Foods ...
RAZVAJANJE VSEH ČUTOV Gostilnico pri Markotu v Stražišču pri Kranju nekateri poznajo po dobri kavi, drugi po odlični hrani Marka Begiča. Vzrok za to gre iskati v razdeljenosti prostora na kavarno in gostilno, prva je v temno modri, druga v beli kombinaciji. Gostilnici daje pečat pokriti del vrta, ki s skrbno izbranimi ...
Japonski dizajn v samem centru ljubljane, nedaleč od prešernovega trga, najdemo edino japonsko restavracijo v mestu. v prijetnem ambientu vas v kulinarične specialitete daljne dežele povabita dva japonska kuharja, ki imata dolgoletne izkušnje in znata zadovoljiti še tako zahtevne goste. vse jedi pripravljajo po ...
A modern fast lunch on the Vienna road in Ljubljana, in the glass dvor office building, since September last year, we have been able to enjoy a fast lunch during the workday in the modern buffet restaurant glažuta. in a pleasant, bright, minimalistic atmosphere - designed by the architect jani vozelj - they offer everyday...
GORENJSKO SLADKANJE Žive barve lokala v starem mestnem jedru Kranja vabijo na nekaj minutk oddiha ob dobri kavi, prebiranju časopisa in sladkih skušnjavah. Kdor si želi posladkati dan, si lahko izbere eno od domačih tortic, domači sladoled, sadno kupo ali pa osvežilni koktajl. V Cukrarni pravijo, da slovijo predvsem po ...