When you decide to feel your best in your own skin, the first thing you will do is change your diet, exercise and pay attention to your scale.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
If you are a coffee lover, you definitely cannot imagine a day without it. After a hard day's work, you can treat yourself to coffee cocktails that have the perfect balance between your favorite hot drinks and alcohol.
Hair covered with a headscarf reflects an elegance reminiscent of the film classic Breakfast at Tiffany's. A headscarf is a flawless fashion accessory and creates a classic vintage look that all women love.
Choosing a container for pets is one of the easiest things. But if you want something more and the aesthetics and design in your home mean something to you, then we have found the most beautiful containers for your dog or cat. Give your pet only the best.
Life used to be simple. The shop had one type of milk, two types of bread, Radenska and Cockta. Shopping did not require mental effort from the consumer, making a thousand decisions in half an hour, and above all, it was friendly to the wallet, because it was simply not possible to put unnecessary things in the basket.
Are you going on vacation and thinking about taking your dog to a dog hotel for that time? With our neighbors, near Split, we found a unique luxury hotel for dogs. This is certainly a great idea for a business move in Slovenia as well.
Both ice cream and watermelon are welcome on hot summer days. Watermelon ice cream is a delicious, refreshing and quickly prepared dessert.
The combination of Nutella and cold refreshment is something you can't resist. Although you usually order this sweet treat in restaurants and pastry shops, this time you can also prepare it at home. With just two simple ingredients that you may already have at home, you can make amazing tasting Nutella ice cream without an ice cream maker.
A thorough renovation of the apartment is not only a burdensome process for the members of the household, but also puts a considerable burden on the family budget. We usually decide to do this every few years, so it's important to plan everything carefully in advance.
Summer afternoons call for outdoor fun. It has surely happened to you that on a beautiful, sunny day, with the smell of freshly cut grass, you wanted to hang out with friends and relax at the last minute.
Got a sunburn? You can find help right in your kitchen. Along with gel and aloe vera, honey is one of the home remedies that is successfully used in the treatment of sunburn. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it has a beneficial effect on the healing of irritated and damaged skin.
Have you ever wondered if dogs can crunch fruit and eat it as a treat? We have prepared a list of fruits that are safe for your dog as recommended by experts. Of course, you have to be careful, because this is not a substitute for a balanced meal, because the dog needs protein intake.