Was your childhood filled with loud criticism and angry outbursts from your parents? While it may seem like these experiences are behind you, they can still haunt you into adulthood. Frequent yelling during childhood can leave scars that affect your self-esteem, relationships, and mental health.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
When the temperatures drop and winter surprises us with snow, ice, and cold, everyday tasks turn into challenges. WD-40 is that magic tool you can always have on hand, not only for basic repairs, but also for solving winter problems. Here are 7 top WD-40 tricks that will come in handy this winter!
The holidays are a wonderful time for socializing, good food, and... family drama. We all have that one uncle who thinks conspiracy theories are a great conversation starter, that aunt who asks why you don't have kids yet (and you're only 25), or that cousin who Instagrams everything before you even get to dessert. Yes, family gatherings can be wonderful, but they can also test your patience.
In the age of digital communication, texting has become an indispensable part of our relationships. But what if seemingly innocent messages could be hiding warning signs that your partner is not being completely honest? Let's check out which texting behaviors may indicate that the end of a relationship is near.
Gone are the days when we only knew classic cow's milk. Today we are faced with a flood of alternatives – from almond to oat and even potato! What else is "good" milk anyway? We have prepared a scale for you that will guide you from the least to the best milk choice. Let's see which milk is the best?
Have you ever thought that waste eggshells could become your best ally when cleaning your home? Yes, you read that right! Eggshells, which we usually throw away, can be turned into a miracle cleaning powder with a simple process that will make your home shine like never before. With a few basic ingredients from the kitchen, you will create a completely natural, effective and environmentally friendly cleaner.
Arab culture is a treasure trove of wisdom that resonates through generations. Although this world may be foreign to us, its proverbs teach us universal truths - about self-respect, values and inner strength. These ancient sayings have the power to transform one's outlook on life.
Aluminum foil has been a staple in our kitchens for decades - practical for wrapping sandwiches, baking potatoes and storing leftovers. But have you ever thought that this silver star of kitchen drawers has much more potential?
Too often in the world of relationships, we strive for those who don't care. We rush, chase, prove and wait for a response, which often does not exist. Do you perhaps dare to ask why you persist with people who do not return your affection? Why is it harder for us to see those who would be happy to walk with us on the same path? But what if the real one who doesn't run is already waiting somewhere on the side? The path to true happiness begins with clarity about what and who you really need.
A clean bed is our refuge after a long day, but did you know that there are more bacteria than on the toilet bowl? Research has shown that pillows and covers are an ideal environment for microorganisms that grow on skin cells, sweat and oils that we leave on the fabric every day.
The attraction between a man and a woman is often shrouded in mystery. Many men try to find those "perfect" words or gestures to win her heart. Is all this really necessary? In fact, simple psychological ploys can get her attention and make a lasting impression.
Have you ever swapped sugary drinks for diet drinks because you wanted something healthier? Think you beat the calories with that? You may be surprised to learn that drinking diet sodas doesn't just give you less sugar – it can also triple your risk of stroke! Scientific research now warns that this is not the only danger lurking in the zero-calorie can.