Many people have no plan for how to manage their money - they live month to month, spend as much as they earn, but when unexpected expenses arise, problems arise. And precisely because of such fateful moments, it is important to prepare for them in advance. As early as tomorrow, you can start using the methods that will save you without canceling.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
These countries are said to be home to the most attractive people - at least that's the opinion of 1.5 million people who took part in the survey. Do you agree with the results?
Being sad, depressed, nihilistic and defeated is a human condition that is familiar to everyone - but it is necessary to distinguish between occasional and manageable hardships and between serious forms of depression, bipolar disorder and other conditions that threaten an individual's life. If you are sad for a long period of time, lose interest in things you used to enjoy, have trouble sleeping, and/or have suicidal thoughts, then you should seek professional help. If it is a short period of grief, you can try to expand your world and thoughts with the Focus-Wheel method.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process of one of the most important musicians of all time. Here is a list of David Bowie's 100 favorite books. In addition to helping you get to know this popular rocker better, the list is also great as summer reading inspiration.
No matter where space exploration and travel may take us in the future, Neil Armstrong will always have a special place in the history of flight into the unknown - on July 20, 1969, he became the first man to step on the moon, inspiring new generations of ambitious astronauts who are still pushing the boundaries of space exploration today. This year marks 50 years since Neil took "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
Astrology does not only study each sign individually, but also the (love) relationships between them. And the fact is that some are failures, others are outstanding. Can you guess which 3 astrological couples will grow old together?
Self-love is important not only because it increases the quality of life, but because only from such a position can we truly love others. With all being!
Is it fair that we are persistently patient with those who count for absolutely nothing in our lives, while we suffer with those who should be treated like a little water in the palm of our hands?
Why are you afraid of love? Each science has its own answer to this question - and what does astrology say?
Whether or not we were in a relationship with a person with whom we are not compatible can usually only be determined retroactively - only after the relationship is over, sometimes it becomes clear to us that we would never get along with this person, no matter how much we make an effort. And for some, unfortunately, choosing and sticking with the wrong relationships happens more often than others - these are the 6 astrological signs that choose the wrong partner every time.
Gender inequality unfortunately also affects men, although it may be less obvious. Social norms often do not allow men to be truly vulnerable, to reveal their feelings and show that they too are bloody under the skin. And even if it doesn't seem like it, they are actually emotional and vulnerable, although they successfully hide it. How to recognize a man who has a broken heart?
In 2016, the series Stranger Things completely captivated the viewers - and recently the third season was released, the success of which, in addition to the tense story, probably also lies in the fact that the creators extremely successfully captured the nostalgic spirit of the 80s of the last century. If you have successfully watched the last season, then you can reach for this bunch of crazy movies that you will DEFINITELY like.