You respect the principles of people who don't want to share personal items with you, but you also learn to stand up for yours. You can't share everything with everyone.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
The perfect man only exists in our imaginations, and on average, some types of men are more desirable than others! Scientists have found what is what we can call perfection.
Under the weight of a patriarchal society, it quickly happens that women apologize for things they have nothing to apologize for. Do you do the same?
Rare things are what they seem. The same applies to humans. In any case, our perception of reality is subjective and influenced by a wide variety of things. This can already be seen through the phenomenon of taste - some people like tomatoes, others hate them; some people love the color green, others find it excessive. The fact is that we process objective reality in different ways. Some people, however, are more changeable and flexible than others in how they present themselves to others. Here we present 3 astrological signs that are not what they seem and can deceive us with the first impression.
You don't need to make a scene about every little thing, but if your love does certain things that cut into your heart, it could be a sign that your relationship is in danger.
Every now and then we find ourselves in a period when we are sure that we will never find true love again, because a deep connection with another person is not something that is destined for us. Here you can read 6 reasons why you think you will never truly love again and why you are wrong.
Often, what makes you attractive is actually a little thing: the sparkle in your eyes, the way you walk, or the way you tie your shoelaces. Read what is most attractive about you according to your astrological sign.
If you need some extra cash, you can take a look at the list of 8 things that we usually throw away, but could make money with. Many of these things are so common that you would never think that anyone would want to buy them. However, a quick look at eBay shows that there are buyers galore.
The new year brings a lot of new challenges and opportunities. Many resort to New Year's resolutions, while others hope that fortune will bring them everything they long for. In the end, at least part of the power is also in our hands. How to (p)remain happy in 2019? Try following these five life lessons.
The year 2019 is steadily approaching. It brings us full of unknown secrets, pleasant and unpleasant surprises, new opportunities and new challenges. A glimpse of our future can also be discerned from the stars. What will be your lucky number in 2019 according to your astrological condition?
There's nothing necessarily wrong with being in a relationship for reasons other than physical attraction, but it's important to be aware of and address the problems that arise when you're not attracted to each other enough.
Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, used by more than 500 million people worldwide. For a long time, it is no longer intended only for storing, editing and sharing photos among a close circle of friends. Today, it is also one of the most important niches for marketing and, of course, a source of information about consumers, which is analyzed on a daily basis for the purpose of improving the sales strategies of companies. From the latter and similar surveys, you can find out what your Instagram photos say about you.