"Sustainably connected" is the slogan of this year's European Mobility Week, which takes place every year from September 16 to 22. The Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region is organizing a lively event on Monday, September 19, aimed at promoting current projects in the field of sustainable mobility and raising awareness of sustainable travel.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
It is not easy to jump over everyday obstacles, step out of the comfort zone and push the boundaries. Rexona, one of the world's leading brands in the field of antiperspirants, is also aware of this. With the challenges constantly placed before us, he is constantly developing new formulas and products that ingeniously and powerfully fight sweating caused by stress, movement and heat.
Sleep is very beneficial for our body. However, this is not the case if you sleep in the wrong position! Check which position you should never sleep in...
Are you also a horror fan and can't wait for weekend movie marathons? Then this research will scare you even more!
Happy couples talk about some extremely important things that determine their future - if the two of you can't get along, think about why that is and how the silence is hurting you.
Astrologers say that any zodiac combination can form a successful and happy relationship - the stars are only those that should hypothetically indicate which astrological combinations are more likely to succeed. And as they find out, the chemistry between them is the strongest!
Last year, in the middle of the pandemic, our everyday life changed a lot. This is also why we really need good books! Although we spent most of the week at home and with less socializing with our loved ones, this allowed us to finally devote more time to our favorite hobbies. Reading novels and other good books was suddenly high on the priority list. Many managed to continue the rhythm we caught then. If you are also a "book lover", we suggest the best books of 2021 - that is, the really good books of 2021!
It is important to understand that feelings of restlessness are a normal part of life. Things don't always go the way you want them to. Somewhere along the way, there are obstacles that make you feel restless and unmotivated. Of course, it all depends on the cause of the restlessness, but there are some simple things you can do to start that will calm you down and get you motivated again.
If you recognize your partner in most of the points below, then it may be time to consider whether this relationship is good enough for you.
Love is probably the thing in the world that humanity deals with the most - scientists try to explain it with neurotransmitter explanations, artists try to depict it in sonnets, paintings and movies, and the rest of us talk about it constantly. What does astrology know about love? How to find love according to astrological sign?
In autumn, nature offers us chestnuts, which are also a symbol of this season. Chestnut has many positive effects on health. It is a food rich in fiber, good fats, minerals and vitamins. It can be eaten boiled, baked or in different foods - chestnut honey, chestnut puree,... It is recommended by both nutritional and beauty experts.
Did you know that socks can help you climax? Throw them on and indulge yourself, then quickly hit the store to stock up on new pairs because you're going to need them.