In 1555, Nostradamus began writing mysterious verses full of strange ideas. Today, these are considered astonishing predictions of the future. For some, Nostradamus is nothing more than an intelligent fraud who took advantage of naive readers, while others say that he is the greatest prophet who ever lived on Earth. And what did he predict for 2018?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
If you asked Freud about their meaning after a night of strange dreams (the kind that make you wonder how your head could have made something like this up), he would probably be able to quickly explain which sexual desire you suppressed. Despite his theory of repressed desires being expressed through dreams, dreams today are still an area where there are more questions than answers. If you are interested in what your dreams really mean, read how the 10 most common dreams among people are interpreted by dream books and researchers and psychologists from this mysterious field.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have an older sister! She grew up with you and loved you even before you were born. You may not have realized it when you were younger, but having an older sister is a huge blessing. She can be your role model, your biggest advocate and at the same time your best friend. There are many reasons why you can call yourself lucky if you have older luck. We offer you 10+ of them.
There is something magical about December. People are happy, happier and it is also a good time to let go and relax in the arms of your loved one. Here are 5 reasons why December is the best month for games between the sheets.
Sometimes our flaws increase our attractiveness, and those qualities that we are most ashamed of become the most endearing and even very seductive. And scientists confirm this. Here are 7 interesting female characteristics that attract men the most.
What makes a person "sexy"? Each of us has our own idea and the list can be long, we will find any number of qualities that ignite a spark in us - everything from a well-shaped body to a sense of humor.
How fragile life can be, we are also reminded by these actors who tragically died during the filming of the film.
Great news for all Grinches everywhere: too much Christmas music is bad for our mental health, according to a clinical psychologist.
Would you like to quit smoking but can't seem to succeed? Have you already received a thousand and one well-intentioned advice, but still you are spinning in a vicious circle? If you would like to quit smoking for good, this is the best and most reliable way, says science.
You know how your clothes will look more expensive? Many times, ladies in the morning (thank you to those of you who are so diligent as to prepare your wardrobe in the evening!) always face the same dilemma - what the hell to wear to work? Of course, we want to operate as orderly and sophisticated as possible, but we fail to do so every time. Below are some simple tricks that you can use to renovate your wardrobe so that it shines in a new light - suddenly your wardrobe will get a touch of elegance and neatness.
There are things that parents simply shouldn't say to their children, especially daughters. Melita Kuhar, a renowned consultant for partner relationships and child-rearing, writes about what phrases parents use to destroy their daughters' good self-esteem.
Why does it seem so easy for some couples to maintain a happy and fulfilling relationship? The secret is in ten habits that beautify everyday life and conjure warmth in the heart.