What's better than pancakes? Fluffy pancakes! We have no doubt that you know how to make great pancakes, the kind that you just can't stop eating later. But when you get to know the recipe for fluffy apple pancakes, you will realize that you were still far from perfect. This recipe for fluffy apple pancakes is unbeatable.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Sometimes one really wonders if we are men and women from the same planet?
Clothes really do make a person and clothes say a lot about our personality, so what do your underwear say about your personality?
Reading this on a smartphone? Are you in a public space or in a company? Perhaps at home with the family? Chances are you are in one of these situations. Photographer Eric Pickersgill focused on our obsession with smartphones and removed smartphones from photos to show just how addicted we are to them. We look pretty funny without them, don't you think?
Dreams are an important and necessary process that protects us from the development of psychological problems. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called dreams the "royal road to the unconscious", yet his ideas about dreams and their relationship with the subconscious remain controversial. He believed that strange images from dreams can be interpreted as symbols that represent certain conflicts in our lives, most often of a sexual nature.
We're all just not for everything. Some people like to travel to exotic places, others prefer to be at home in front of the TV, some carefully watch their diet and love to devote themselves wholeheartedly to their favorite sport, others prefer to look at fashion magazines and shop more than anything else. Before we enter our 30s, it's high time we realize this and simply stop bothering ourselves if we don't meet certain criteria. In the following, we therefore check what every 20-something-year-old should do and stop worrying about before turning 30...
Do regular men look as sexy as models in these panties and poses? Check!
Most of us will never know what it's like to be outrageously rich. Some have a bit more, others are struggling to survive, but there are few who are sitting on a pile of money. But some people, despite not being very financially savvy, give the impression that they are really rich. How do they manage to sell themselves like that? How do they convince people they are rich over and over again?
If you are thinking about getting a tattoo but are afraid of pain, the following infographic showing the most painful places to get a tattoo will come in handy. Unfortunately, pain and tattooing are an inseparable pair, but not all parts of the body are equally sensitive. According to tattoo artists, it hurts the most around the stomach, spine, ribs and head, and the least on the upper arm.
Men's swimwear 2015 indicates a clear trend of interesting hypnotic patterns, although at times it seems that everything is permitted and fashionable. Photo prints on the fabric itself, which create the impression of gradients, are extremely modern. However, it is still important for men to choose the type of swimwear that fits you best and presents your figure in a great light. You know what I mean!
Although boys don't like to admit it, they also get emotional when watching some movies. These are not necessarily sad in themselves, but they touch a person in a special way. And if many people only bring us to the brink of tears, in some even the most emotionally stable ones, anger gives way under the weight of tears. Because no one is immune to crying. And here's the proof. A list of movies that will make even men cry.
They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul, but did you know that the length of your fingers also offers insight into your personality? Namely, if you compare the length of your ring finger and index finger, you can read a person like an open book. So check what the length of your fingers says about you.