A money tree? Have you ever heard of a plant that promises to bring success and wealth to your home? You may be wondering if this is just a myth or if this plant really emits a special energy. We are talking about the "money tree", a plant that symbolizes constant change, much like life itself.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
Do any of you feel that a small voice is calling you and warning of danger?! Recognize 7 mystical signs that you are protected by a guardian angel!
Max Mara Spring-Summer 2024 presents a collection that is like a cross between Audrey Hepburn and your favorite gardener. Discover how you can become a city nymph who knows how to program and plant tomatoes with Max Mara.
In the world of love and commitment, there are men who defy tradition. Three zodiac signs known for their independence may surprise you!
We all have memories associated with a visit to McDonald's. Maybe it was a first date, a family lunch, or a quick stop on the way home after a busy day. But one thing that has always been a part of that experience. Now that era is slowly coming to an end, and with it a part of the culture we took for granted.
Discover fun and effective ways to keep your shoes fresh and get rid of that unpleasant smell. Because, let's face it, nobody wants to walk around with smelly shoes. So - ways to remove unpleasant odor from shoes.
Have you ever considered that maybe you are not defined by your personality, your history, or your choices, but… the first letter of your name? Yes, you heard that right! While some try meditation, psychotherapy, or even astrology to understand their true nature, the answer may be hidden right at the beginning of your name. Now, before you start checking your passport or birth certificate to make sure you really are 'A' for 'Ambitious' or 'Z' for 'Enigmatic', we invite you to join us on a fun journey through the letters of the alphabet. Together we will explore how different cultures and traditions can define us based on our first letter. And while it may all seem a bit ironic and humorous, who knows? You may end up believing that there is more to your name than meets the eye!
We present to you the things that make you age faster while you sleep, and we all do them completely unconsciously!
Have you ever wondered why some people succeed at everything? Perhaps the answer is hidden in the stars - more precisely, in the Chinese horoscope. Find out which three signs have that special happiness we all want! Were you born in this lucky year?
Baba Vanga has predicted the first contact with extraterrestrials for 2024! When it comes to prophecies, Baba Vanga is undoubtedly one of the most famous names. This blind Bulgarian prophetess stunned the world with her predictions. And now that NASA and the Mexican government are releasing information about aliens, it looks like one of her predictions for 2024 may be coming true. Get ready to travel through time and space as we explore what the future holds for us according to Baba Vanga - one of the most famous prophetesses of all time.
How to keep the spark and passion in long-term relationships? Discover the secrets of couples who live their best sex moments and boast a great sex life.
Have you ever thought that your friend who constantly travels and flaunts expensive fashion accessories might be living a secret double life as an escort for men? Discover the signs that could reveal her secret!