In addition to the beautiful karst surroundings, accommodation and active leisure time, the House of Special Varieties also offers interesting culinary treats. The guide in the preparation of gourmet delicacies is the flavors of the past - today. Culinary flavors intertwine in an interesting way and combine Vipava, Karst...
JoinedSeptember 11, 2013
Nina has been working with City Magazine almost since the very beginning of the magazine. She is interested in music, which is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and joy. She is interested in everything that is beautiful and joyful in life. Thus, he explores all aspects of it every day. She likes to travel and learn about new cultures, customs and everything that makes our lives a little more interesting.
Nova podoba restvracije Stara mačka je vnesla nov val svežine v ponudbo in njen ambient. Restavracija je svoje ime zgradila na pripravi odličnih gurmanskih zrezkov oziroma steakov. Te pripravijo z zorjeno govedino in na odprtem žaru. Vsi tisti, ki si želimo nekaj lažjega, lahko na jedilniku najdemo nekaj novih solat, ...
Socializing and Thai food in a beautiful setting or in an even more beautiful garden is available at the Thai inn pub. Anyone who loves Thai food, or anyone who would like to try it for the first time, can do so in the center of Ljubljana. The fresh spices of Asia will leave a delicate, mild and slightly exotic taste on our taste buds...
Hostina dela was created within the project Tovarna dela ‒ Entry into the world. The project offers an opportunity to young people up to the age of twenty-five from vulnerable target groups who are at risk of long-term unemployment and social exclusion. The collective of designers, architects and craftsmen Grupa took care of the comfort of the space,...
Lounge bar Barye je na barju. Čisto blizu mestnega jedra, ko se iz mesta zapelješ proti jugu, skozi Trnovska vrata pred obvoznico na desno. Pod streho čisto novega Ahotela pričakuje vse, ki si želimo prijetnega ambienta, nevsiljive glasbe, pozorne postrežbe ter velike izbire koktejlov ter long drinkov. Ljubitelje ...