Revival of passion. Have you ever felt that the passion in your relationship is slowly dying out? Or maybe you're looking for new ways to improve your already great relationship?
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
In astrology, there are certain signs that are particularly prone to hedonism, as their character traits are most compatible with the desire to enjoy life. Who are the real hedonists?
Looking for fat burning foods? Do you long for a slim and flat stomach, but you can't seem to lose stubborn fat deposits? Don't give up yet!
How can you conjure up the taste of a holiday in sunny Spain in your kitchen? By preparing an authentic Spanish paella. Paella is a must try!
Do you love your kitty? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to communicate with your cat in cat language?
Depending on the symbols that form in the cup of coffee, you can get an insight into your future, but some symbols promise bad news. Let's look into the mysterious world of divination from coffee grounds.
Find out which four astrological signs are hard to win over because they seem cold-hearted, but are actually extremely emotional!
How many times have you gotten up in the morning and been satisfied with your appearance, because you had a flat stomach. During the day, however, the picture changed and the stomach became bloated.
Be an irresistibly attractive woman for yourself and not for others!
What's better than a refreshing pineapple smoothie to give you energy and nourish your body at the same time? Especially when it's made with fresh, natural ingredients you can find in tropical paradises.
Mercury retrograde begins on April 21st, but you're probably already feeling its influence as it entered pre-retrograde shadow on April 7th. This can cause confusion and complications in everyday situations, so it also affects the love horoscope.
Does a dog really choose its favorite person? If you've ever had a dog, then you know that some dogs bond with some people more quickly than others. It often happens that the dog chooses one person to whom it pays more attention and approaches, while it treats the other persons more coldly or even ignores them. Are you wondering why this is happening?