Just 9 minutes that will make him smile. Believe it or not, children need less than 10 minutes a day to feel happy and loved.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Unfortunately, receiving bad news is a normal part of life. You can hear them at work, on the street, in the family... They come in waves and you can't avoid them. However, there are ways to deal with it and prevent it from completely crushing you.
Looking for inspiration for the perfect make-up, but can't find anything suitable? Don't like any of the latest trends? Why not take astrology's advice on which makeup style is perfect for your zodiac sign?
You are speechless. Does the question arise in your mind, what the heck are these two reasons? Yes, right? After all, for many women, marriage is something they have wanted since childhood.
Every mother wants her daughter to be happy. Even happier than her. He looks back on his life experiences and can give her invaluable advice.
Luck. A word that puts a smile on our face. Everyone is happy in their own way, because the word happiness has a different meaning for everyone. Luck, especially in all its forms, will visit the four astrological signs in 2022. See if you are among them.
There are astrology signs that never agree. Their everyday life is full of arguments whether they are wanted or not. They just don't mesh because they are so different. Argument, trouble, hatred are the names that could be used to describe their relationship. They never and literally never find common ground. These astrological couples are constantly in conflict.
If you are waiting for your soulmate, you absolutely need to have them in your home. If you don't have them, what are you waiting for, go to the flower shop and get them.
Reason and heart are instruments that must cooperate and coordinate. Sometimes this is difficult. Especially if you are overwhelmed by emotions and cannot separate them, or the heart dominates the mind or vice versa. No matter how much you think and try to analyze things, you don't come to any solution and your heart doesn't help you because you feel anxious and afraid that no decision will be right.
Did you know there are tricks that can save you from ironing? Have you tried the ice and aluminum foil trick?
What is happiness for you? Wealth? Love? A luxury? A house by the sea? A luxury yacht? Peace? Feeling loved? A hug? Think about what makes you happy this moment!
How well do you know cat talk? Find out what the furries are trying to tell you by the position of their tails. They don't just use it to find balance, they also use it to express their feelings.