In every job, there comes a time when everything doesn't go as it should or as you imagined it would. After years of research, scientists have discovered what is the most stressful job in the world. Can you guess which job it is?
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
We have jumped into summer and the measures due to the epidemic are being relaxed. Now is the time to - if we are single - start observing the people around us. The terraces of restaurants invite you to drink coffee or a cold juice and watch the passers-by. You might notice your crush at the next table. Oops.
Like it or not man, in some arguments the woman always wins. It's that simple. When it comes to verbal arguments, men will often get the short end of the stick in a fight with women, they will win in a few, and they will definitely lose in some.
Manipulation is not love. Jealousy is not love. Control is not love. Love comes when the manipulation stops! And when you dare to be vulnerable.
Want to have all the stars at your fingertips when you need advice from the universe? Sounds amazing, doesn't it? But today, everything is possible with the help of phone applications that can be downloaded to iOS and Android operating systems.
No one deserves to be taken for granted, especially if it's someone you're in a relationship with. Do you feel like you're just a kind of safety net for him, someone who's there no matter what he's doing, just to make him feel like he's not alone?
Have you been thinking less about intimate relationships lately? Also, he/she no longer shows tenderness when you are together? Are you wondering just what happened? Has your love grown cold?
Inviting parents or in-laws to dinner can actually extend their life. Not only that, it can improve their quality of life.
Are you a person who doesn't hide your emotions? Someone who cares more about others than themselves? Are you too emotional? Do you surrender with soul and body?
People are different. Small, big, round, skinny - we come in different shapes and sizes. Every body is beautiful, regardless of assumptions and clichés!
The arrival of a new family member in the relationship not only brings joy and trouble at night, intimate relationships also change. Passion and lust hide and parenthood begins, that's right, even without sex.
There is a big difference between a person's classic IQ and relational IQ. IQ in a relationship means not only knowing what the right behavior is, but also sticking to it.