What keeps love alive over time? Why do some couples fall apart at the slightest challenge, while others overcome almost impossible odds together? The answer lies in three key types of "chemistry" that are the secret to lasting and fulfilling relationships. But which chemistry is the most important?
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Have you ever dreamed about a cat and wondered what it could mean? Cats in dreams are no coincidence. They often represent deep emotional messages and symbolize your intuition, freedom, and inner balance. What does it mean to dream about a cat?
Dates are one of the most complete foods for your body.
Do colored clothes fade after a few washes? How can you prevent them from losing their color? Let's look at the basic rules for washing colored clothes!
Do you feel like your goals are just unattainable dreams? Do you wonder what it would be like to have your dream job, more money, or the perfect partner? Just wishing is not enough. Learn how you can turn your dreams into reality, step by step. This is the formula for success!
The year 2025 promises big changes, especially in the financial realm. If you want to take advantage of all the opportunities this year offers, you need to be prepared for the key months that will play an important role in your financial success.
Do you ever find yourself in front of the mirror wishing your nose were a little less noticeable, narrower, or shorter? You might think you need expensive cosmetic surgery to do this, but the truth is much simpler. With the right makeup technique, you can subtly reshape your face and create a completely natural look.
Ginger shot - can a small bottle of ginger juice really boost your body? Or is it just another trend that promises more than it can deliver?
Why is there always someone in your life who brings chaos? Drama?
Have you ever felt like you found something special, but it was all just an illusion? That the words you heard promised more than the person was willing to deliver?
Where does a child's intelligence come from? Which genes? Is this hereditary trait more dependent on the mother or the father?
What changes and opportunities lie ahead this month? Numerology - the numerological forecast for February - offers insight into the energy that influences your decisions, relationships and successes. Each number carries a unique message and guidance on how to make the most of the opportunities February brings you.