Why does your money seem to disappear quickly, no matter how hard you try to save? Have you noticed that you always have a mess in your wallet and don't have an overview of your finances? It might be time to examine exactly what you keep in your wallet and how it affects your financial situation.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Have you ever wondered why you are always reminded to change out of a wet bathing suit immediately after swimming? Did you know that sitting in a wet bathing suit can lead to unpleasant and even serious health problems?
Do you ever feel like the natural rhythms of the world around you are constantly pulling you in different directions? Have you ever wondered why you feel more motivated at certain times, while at others you feel the need to retreat and reflect? Perhaps the answer is closer than you think - in the rhythm of the moon. Aligning your life with the phases of the moon can be the key to greater harmony and inner balance.
We have all encountered a situation when we found that someone "gets under our skin" extremely quickly. Maybe it's a co-worker who always interrupts conversations, a friend who can never take criticism, or a family member who keeps changing their plans.
Does it often happen to you that the salad wilts after only a few days in the refrigerator? Are you looking for a way to keep your salad fresher for longer?
Summer is the time when nature awakens in its full glory, the days are longer and the nights are warmer. July, the month of midsummer, brings with it a unique energy that permeates all aspects of our lives, especially love relationships.
Why do men who are initially very interested suddenly disappear without a trace? Is it fear of commitment, immaturity, or maybe something else entirely? This phenomenon, often called "ghosting", leaves behind many unanswered questions and confused hearts.
Why isn't your basil growing as well as you expected? Do you know that improper watering, especially at night, can harm it?
According to astrologers, each zodiac sign has its own unique qualities and abilities that manifest in different ways. One of the most interesting qualities that can be attributed to the stars is the art of kissing. Kissing is not only a simple exchange of affection, but also a way of expressing passion, love and connection.
Tired of the usual holidays and clichés? How about taking a vacation this summer that aligns with your astrological nature?
Are you still single? Do all your attempts at a serious relationship always seem to fall flat?
Has it ever happened to you that a man - your partner suddenly started to withdraw and you didn't know how to react?