Your relationship with money can be more than just the numbers in your bank account. Could it be something that could actually shape your financial success or failure? It's not just about what you do with money, it's about how you feel about it!
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Imagine a world where your first obligation is to love yourself - how free would you be? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put yourself first?
Your unconscious drawings in the margin of your notebook say more about your inner self than you might think. How would you feel if you discovered that every line you draw while your mind wanders reveals a piece of your soul?
What happens when the planet of love enters the earth sign of Taurus? For 3 astrological signs, it can mean the arrival of fateful love.
Baby powder is a multipurpose product that can be used in many ways, not only for baby skin care. In addition to helping to keep the baby's skin dry and soft, it can also be an indispensable accessory in everyday life for all generations. Baby powder - known as talc, has many other useful properties.
Have you ever wondered why your metabolism slows down as you age? How is it possible that what you ate in your twenties without consequences, in your forties requires a lot more effort to keep the pounds the way you want them to be? How to lose weight at a certain age!?
How to choose a color of clothing that will attract his attention? Are there any colors that are particularly attractive to men?
Imagine entering the kitchen with a special mission - to transform green ingredients - into something extraordinary, into a dish that is nutritious, light and extremely tasty at the same time. Vegetable patties made of spinach and broccoli.
Do you often wake up with a headache? Drink tea made from this spice instead of medicine. It works instantly!
Have you ever wondered why some people attract wealth effortlessly, while others barely make ends meet despite continuous effort? Why do certain opportunities seem to "fall from the sky" only for certain individuals?
Happy days in May. May brings a bunch of happy days, full of prospects and opportunities waiting to be discovered. Which days will bring luck to your zodiac sign?
How to maintain dignity when the world around us is falling apart? Is it possible to weather the storm of a breakup and remain whole, intact and even stronger? Do celestial signs play a role in our resilience and ability to rise above pain?