Have you ever wondered if pasta is really as unhealthy as it is often made out to be? Is there a way to eat pasta without gaining weight?
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Have you ever opened your closet to take out your favorite clothes only to find moths and holes in them? How to expel moths from cupboards?
Have you ever wondered if the chicken meat you are about to prepare for a meal is really fresh? How to recognize if the meat is still in the best condition for consumption?
Do you want the bouquet in the vase to last more than 7 days?
An insight into the world of financially successful women reveals how we ourselves can achieve financial stability and ensure a comfortable and secure life.
I present to you a dessert that is a true paradise for chocolate lovers and at the same time extremely simple to prepare, as you do not need an oven to make it. No-bake chocolate cake is a dessert that combines the crispness of cookies and the richness of chocolate in a single delicious delight.
Did you know that even small mistakes in skin care can lead to faster aging and worsen the appearance of the skin?
Does water temperature actually affect the cleanliness of your hands? Is hand washing in warm or cold water more effective at removing bacteria?
Have you ever wondered what to do with coffee grounds after making or drinking your morning coffee?
There are plants, certain species, that are known for their ability to attract good luck and positive energy... Let's get to know lucky plants!
Why do bananas turn dark quickly? What to do to keep bananas fresh longer?
Why are some people constantly in the grip of jealousy and envy? What is it that triggers these deeply rooted feelings in them? What do others have that they don't?