Have you ever set a goal to exercise regularly, only to find that plan unraveling after a few weeks or months? With a few adjustments, exercise can become a natural and enjoyable part of your life.
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
Have you ever wondered why true love often appears when we're not looking for it? Is it possible that all the effort, searching, and planning simply can't compare to the power of spontaneity?
Have you ever wondered if the age on your ID card matches your body age? Or maybe you feel younger or older than you should be for your age?
Each zodiac sign has its own lucky number, which reflects its inner nature, energy, and life path. This number is not just a coincidence - it is a bridge between our everyday lives and deeper spiritual messages.
What is happiness? Is this the moment you achieve something big? When someone you love hugs you? When you stop for a moment and feel that the world, despite all its imperfections, is magical?
Have you ever felt moments when you feel like you're overwhelmed by stress or anxiety and you just can't find a way out? What if you could calm your body and mind in just one minute? There are simple techniques, read on.
Why do we stick with people who don't respect us enough? Why do we allow ourselves to be burdened by the past over and over again instead of moving forward? Today I finish this chapter.
How does your date of birth determine your personality traits and life destiny? So what does the day we first see the world tell us?
Fed up with expensive products that promise shiny hair and youthful skin, but never deliver the desired results? Sometimes the best solutions are hidden in simple, natural ingredients that we almost always have on hand. One such secret is an ancient grain rich in nutrients for your beauty – millet.
Have you already started thinking about what you will wear to say goodbye to the old year and start the new one? Would you like to choose something that will make you unforgettable and at the same time highlight your personality? What does the fashion horoscope say?
Why are our decisions often so difficult and how do we find the right balance between emotion and logic? Heart or mind?
Puli can be worn in many different ways that are both fashionable and comfortable.