
Autumn DIY beauty indulgences: we prepare homemade butter and body scrub

Autumn is our favorite season for pleasant relaxation in the shelter of a warm home. Since we like to know what we're putting in and on our bodies, DIY recipes for homemade scrubs and body butters are perfect for fall beauty indulgences that we're already endlessly looking forward to.

Summer is over and it's time to prepare our skin for the colder season. Peeling is an integral part of proper skin care, which is especially beneficial in autumn and winter, when it is necessary to gently remove all dead skin from the body. Peeling helps in the regeneration of the skin and accelerates its natural renewal. If our skin is oily, we clean it with exfoliation twice a week, while dry skin will only accept twice a month.

Ingredients and preparation of homemade body scrub:

  • olive oil
  • ground oatmeal
  • sugar

The mixture of sugar and ground oatmeal can be stored in a container. Before using the scrub, just add oil in the same ratio.

After a thorough exfoliation of the whole body, the skin needs to be nourished. Treat yourself to a gentle massage with a generous amount of homemade body butter. Our skin will be supple, healthy and radiant!

Body scrub
Body scrub

Ingredients and preparation of homemade body butter:

  • 30g of shea butter
  • 17g of almond oil
  • 3g of jojoba oil

Melt the shea butter over a steam bath, add almond and jojoba oil and pour the mixture into a container for storage. Let it cool down. If desired, add lavender essential oil, but do not overdo it.

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