
Autumn experiences or What you have to do this autumn

Autumn activities

We said goodbye to summer, and even if we miss the long hot summer days, the smell of the sea, vacations and lounging by the beach, we have to accept that we have already stepped boldly into autumn (but considering how quickly time flies, it will , as if in the blink of an eye, it's summer again - if that's any consolation). Autumn also has its charms, which should definitely not be ignored.

We have selected 5 of our favorite experiences related to this time of year.

A walk among beautiful autumn leaves

A walk among the autumn leaves.
A walk among the autumn leaves.

Put on a warm sweater, put on your boots and go for an afternoon walk in the nearby forest. (Hint: jumping and kicking leaves is the perfect relaxation after a hard day's work!)

Creating in the kitchen

In the summer, we usually spend less time at the stove, because when the temperatures are high, it really doesn't occur to us to, for example, cook minestrone or bake štrukljes. Autumn is the ideal time to pull out an old cookbook and browse through the recipes - chestnut puree, mushrooms in sauce, intoxicatingly fragrant cookies... The choice is truly endless!

Autumn pampering

Let the fall pampering begin…
Let the fall pampering begin…

After a busy summer, when we spent whole days running in the fresh air (well, let's say it was like that!), we really need to pamper ourselves a little in the fall. The first visits to the thermal baths, a pleasant massage or simply lying in bed under a warm blanket, while the cold autumn wind blows through the window, is definitely something that each of us should indulge in.

Harvesting forest fruits

Autumn walk of four-legged friends.
Autumn walk of four-legged friends.

In autumn, the forest is a place you must visit at least once (a weekly visit is recommended!). In addition to active walking (or hiking - if you are the more active type, of course), it allows us to do many fun things: picking chestnuts (which we later roast and eat with delight in the evening in front of the TV - a great substitute for chocolate, for example!) or picking mushrooms (warning: we do not recommend collecting suspicious red-and-white beauties; they should only be for photography and admiration).

Refreshing our wardrobe

If we always have to get cold on the way to work, we can still make it easier by pulling out autumn scarves, scarves and gloves of all kinds from the closet and shaking off the dust with them. Maybe you could even think of a knitting or crochet course for this year's autumn horse?

READ MORE: Sperry x Rains: waterproof rain boots that should not be missing from your wardrobe this fall

On the one hand, autumn allows us full of active moments, but on the other hand, it does not skimp on pampering and lazing around. Let's take advantage of both this fall!

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